I spotted Bambi, who spotted me!
I had zero helpers, as it was snowing. Fair weather friends! Even Daisy balked at the door and declined walkies.
My Wildgame trailcam has captured some faithful visitors. The muskrat, a pair of Wood ducks and a pair of mallards.
Sadly, I trekked down to the pond in the snow, and reminded
myself to add some shavings to Wood duck nesting box #2.
Happily, I trekked back up to the shed, grabbed some shavings, and that job is done! Box #1 is fine.
The ducks are easily spooked, and while the wood ducks were absent, they had been there only an hour before!
The mallards took off as I arrived. They swooped up and around the pond, circling to see if I'd gone.
We had snow, and this has slowed the melting ice on the pond. Water has temperature inertia, and it hasn't refrozen, despite some subzero temps overnight. We expect -13 C. tomorrow night. The bull frog tadpoles have been sunning themselves beside my dock.

The trailcam captured the snow, and then the muskrat trails in the snow and ice. It is much better when there is natural light. I was wondering if MacGregor Muskrat was around. He swims madly for the dock when I go down there. I think. I sort of see small waves.
There are lots of roots around and under the dock. He's happily cleaning up the pond for me! It's a win-win, I guess! The pond was nearly filled in before our three muskrats arrived a couple of years ago.
Here they were in 2014, they moved in in the summer, spent the winter, and were gone. We are part of a long, wide wetland that purifies the water.
Hello, it's time for some muskrat love. Love the deer and your sweet kitty. Cute videos and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!
awwww, i would walk in the snow with you!! of course bambi is my favorite....and boy that muskrat sure does look like a big ole' rat!!!! have a happy weekend!!!
ps...must still be cold there??
is that a new header?? gorgeous capture!!!
Cute little rodents.
Thanks, all! It's not a new header, Debbie. It's from when we lived lakeside in Bala. I miss my lake, but not the citiots!
Thank you! It was a freak photo, not one that I cleverly crafted!
The bog is still pretty solid by my place, but the heron's are back! No sign of the blackbirds yet.
Saw your robin on the sumac on TV weather!!
I've heard there are muskrat in our area, but I've never seen one. Of course, Powell Lake is too deep for them except in a few spots, and there is nothing like a wetland near us, just steep cliffs. - Margy
Rather like a beaver, until you see their tails. I imagine the cats are all thinking, "okay, winter, that's enough, go away."
having fun in our cold springtime Jenn!
Your pond is a treasure, Jennifer. And bonus that your muskrats help keep it clean. I thoroughly enjoy your pond reports.
Spring snow is magical! Lovely shots.
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