Thank goodness for our First Responders!
I could hear them hunting in the back –about 1 km away. I know there are lots of trees and a bog between us, but it still spooks me.Daisy and I were in the forest and a doe came running along towards us. She stopped in the meadow, then came back! It's both hunting season and the beginning of rutting season. Wildlife are on the move.
Who is in the forest? from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Daisy and I were in the forest. We heard something running towards us!
The hunters are out there. You can see them at the side of the road in places. These guys were between Tweed and Westport. (It was a long day trip!) There was a carcass in the trailer.

1. Hunter shot himself in the leg: Peterborough County OPP
Incident took place Wednesday afternoon north of Havelock
Peterborough This Week
2 a). 64-year-old man shot in chest in hunting accident
HAVELOCK -- A hunter who shot himself in the leg was able to make to the hospital Wednesday (Nov. 4) afternoon.
OPP Const. Ken Johnston speaks with a member of the media near the scene of a hunting accident near East River Road on Tuesday morning.
CTV News
2 b). Man shot while hunting south of Cambridge
Timmons man shot while hunting south of Cambridge ... According to theOntario Provincial Police, the man was shot in his right shoulder. ... Police continue to investigate the incident, and say it's possible that charges will be laid.
She might want to do herself a favour and spend a few days close to your house!
Good grief! Maybe those hunters should consider shooting with a camera instead of a gun.
What a coincidence.. I had a long but very enjoyable day trip too. ;)
That deer wasn't overly fearful of you and Daisy, was it? Which doesn't bode well for her safety around them hunters.
There are so many hunters in the bush back of me! My grandson and his mothers boyfriend are back at his grandpa's place over the hill from me. I worry about them! I'm thankful that there is a hill between my house and the fireing line.My neighbour was telling me today that hunters were in HIS BUSH and fired at a deer standing beside HIS house. He heard the bullet whiz by him!
I'll be glad when this thing ends.
When will all shooters learn, if you get over a fence, or climb a tree, unload your rifle and put it on the ground, or slide it under the fence.To shoot yourself is a total lack of safety. Identify your target.The man who was shot, and the shooter says the man shot was behind the deer, was there really a deer in his sights? Or did he think there was? Down here, in the roar season, accidents happen, the worst was when a father shot his son dead, he had identified it as a deer!!! He went to court, but lives with his own sentence for the rest of his life. If you go to your woods, Jenn and Mr J, wear Blaze Orange, Carry a horn, sound it often, or blow the whistle.
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