Sunday, 27 September 2015

Another summery day: Sunday Sketches

That was a lovely afternoon. I decided to go out and sit and do a sketch. I haven't done one since my client passed away in the summer. This is sort of a composition of things in my front yard.
Sunday Sketches.

Hubby suggested we go for a drive, which we did.

We did some shopping in Westport, then ate at The Cove.

On the way home, we were 2.5 km away Gillian GPS told me, and we spotted a black cat on a fence. All woods, only a few houses. 'Surely that can't be Buster,' said hubby...
It was. He was near where I'd seen a doe and fawn a few years ago.

I got out of the car, coaxed him back over the fence (15 min.), while cars roared up and down the road. I was nearly at the car, clutching him tightly when two cars came along from either direction. I kept hanging on and then he scratched both my hands, 3 deep cuts, and took off back over the fence. Little beggar.

We arrived home and I washed thoroughly, hubby bandaged me up. I phoned my client, to check that we were on tomorrow, Monday. No answer. I called her niece and found she had died this afternoon. About the time I was doing my sketch.

Buster is still AWOL, even though I went across the highway into the woods and called some more. He was on a mission somewhere.


Wanda said...

How fun to sketch outside. Your sketches look like a perfect afternoon on a bench with pencils and sketchbook. Nice job.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh no Buster is an ungrateful fur child! Hope he is OK. Your header shot is spectacular!

Olga said...

Isn't it a relaxing way to spend some time--sketching. I am glad you picked up those pencils again.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That sketch is a fitting memory for your client... glad Buster made it back. YAM xx

William Kendall said...

Good work on the sketch... strange timing.

Hopefully Buster came home!

Christine said...

wow Jenn, so much going on. Love your sketch and happy to know Buster is back, but so sorry about the scratches and may your client rest in peace.