After my conference I was asked to go and see the memorial before we went home.
It is very beautiful. There were heart-wrenching tributes to loved ones.

This is what my hubby wrote about it, as he visited when I was at the conference:
About 4 km from our hotel near Trenton, just past CFB Trenton, is the new Memorial to our Afghanistan Veterans. It is located in a small park bordering on the Bay of Quinte. The park is a recreational park and the Memorial is just behind a ball field.
I know that there was some debate as to where the memorial should be located but I think they got it right.

As I approached the site, a man and woman were solemnly leaving it. Visiting at the same time as me were two female infantry members in field uniform (probably on lunch break from the base). They were reading and pointing to names that they knew. There is no abstraction here.
No reflection on another time or place.
The hurt was real and there in the moment.
After my visit , I walked a short distance to the shore , and sat and watched a pair of swans on the water, while over head, a very large cargo plane turned over the water after take off from the base. Maybe the memorial is not where a lot of people will see it, but it is in a damn good spot to reflect on it.

It is a lovely memorial, and unfortunately some mean spirited individual decided to pull the plants from around it. It was caught on video, but not sure if the person was ever caught.
This is a common problem, people stealing expensive plants. I cannot imagine anyone stealing plants from such a poignant memorial.
This is a very impressive memorial. Thanks for telling us about it.
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