Buster and the bullfrog from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
In the warm temperatures Friday, the ice on the goldfish pond melted. I had covered the pond with chicken wire as the kitten, Dorah, seemed to want to play on the ice. The bullfrog came out and Buster cat couldn't quite reach it. It was as if the bullfrog knew this. It didn't budge!

Dorah is such a cutie! She thought the pond looked lovely. There was a 1/2" of ice on top.
After two nights in a hotel, I was as happy as she was to get home and out in the yard.
I attended a workshop
"Does Anyone Have The Map? Navigating the Journey to the End-of-Life".
This is a new initiative in Ontario, about nurse practitioners being assigned to support long-term care homes. An excellent idea, as you cannot find a doctor for love nor money in many of the LTC homes in our province.
Hubby and kittens stayed in the hotel while I learned about nurse practitioners!
Dora explores the pond from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
It is frozen and I watched her carefully. Soon it will be very frozen.
Curtain climbers and Tree Climbers from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
First Dorah, three months old, in a fit of a burst of energy climbed 12' up a tree. Buster decided he should climb a tree, too. Being a year and a half, he is fine having two new sisters. He is teaching them a lot! Dorah lost her balance and it was humorous!
Daisy and Dorah birdwatching from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
They were perched on the corner of the deck, under the bird feeder. Their little heads move in tandem as a chickadee flies in.
Dorah hunts a plant from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Our flowers are gone to seed. She thought, in her new liberation from being in a hotel room for two days, she would hunt down and kill the seed pods.
1 comment:
The kittens sure are growing!! They are so much fun to watch!
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