The photos for $20 sign didn't work. It might noe be obvious it is a private drive? I don't know. Many people on rural roads compalin about this.
Drives me nuts... and it's not a long drive. In fact, it's a 100m walk!
We spoke to our fence man, Scott Dobson, he is famous in these here parts. We are percolating some ideas.

we keep our gate locked about 95% of the time.
You're right, you probably don't need a fence, just a Kee Pout gate across your driveway!
Texwisgirl also has some fabulous pictures of gates.Take a look and you might find something very attractive.
I'd definitely fence or at least gate it if I owned your particular piece of Paradise!. We're big on backroad driving, but I can't -- even in my wildest dreams -- imagine walking on to private property. (However, if we happened to be in your area and you wanted to invite me ;>>>>)
Isn't it amazing how cheeky people are? I admit, I do take photos of interesting things I find along the road - and once in a while it may be in someone's yard. However, I don't drive into their driveway, and I would be offended if people drove into mine. It is a shame you have to have a gate to keep nosy people out! But then, you do have a pretty place and lots of interesting things...
It amazes me sometimes how some don't understand the concept of private property.
I'm curious to know what the sign said that people ignored it! Especially since your drive is only 100m long!
This one , EG!
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