Friday 23 March 2012

The voices of spring!

First we had foggy mornings, now we have froggy mornings and nights! They are in, yes, the natural 'frog pond'; the spring peepers are in the nearby wetland!
The tree frogs are in the trees, singing or chirping, looking for love!

The happy frogs are singing in the frog pond. There is much action. As I approached they became silent. The odd tree frog would sing, but soon all was silent. Eventually, as I waited patiently, they began to sing and I recorded them.
when you are small
-you hide in a knot!
I just missed the shot,
as the one on the left takes off from the one in the rings.

a wee guy in my hand-dug pond,
which is leaking :-(

~drains into the wetland in the background
Frog pond, nearly melted. It drain into the wetland.
which is below in the background.

The other end of the pond, the high ground and much warmer,
where most of the frogs frolic.

The dead grasses from last year,
with some green beginning to show.

frog floats in bubbles caused by the release of gases


Linda said...

Well, you have totally ruined the youngest grandson! Now every time he sees me on the computer, he asks, "Is there a video?" I had to search around on the other blogs for anything with video...he loved the frogs best! Now I will have to show him this one today! Great job with the photographs...I feel almost like I am there!

Anonymous said...

We had these at our house and in our pool. I miss them. I wonder if they will be in the woods here soon? Lovely video! You are having such a fun Spring Jenn!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, I'm so sorry your pond is leaking. You put so much work into it, Jenn.
Keep us posted. We're going to be away for a couple of weeks, but I'll be online for the first week at least. Back Easter Monday.
Take care. And keep up the good work with posting the sights and sounds of your beautiful world.

TexWisGirl said...

love these little guys! they can sure get loud in the springtime! :)

Christine said...

Never thought about frogs mating in the spring, lol.

Red said...

You've got some perfect frog country there. It's rather neat to stand perfectly still until the frogs start their chorus again. As you've shown you can spot them.