Monday 25 May 2009

Farmer's Markets: My World XXXIII

This post was inspired by my friend, Weaver of Grass, in the UK. She visited Canada and posted photos about a market.

The markets: they're back! We make a point of visiting weekly. We love the various goods, but love the vendors. Such great people. The photo at right shows an Orillia beekeeper, and my family at the Bala market.

Those in purple are open in May. The others will open at a later date. Check the hotlinks for local contact information.

Monday: Bala, The Shield Parking Lot - Hwy 169, 9 - 2:00
Tuesday: none I've found... :-(
Wednesday: Gravenhurst: Muskoka Wharf, May 20 to October 7, 9 - 2:00 ]
Thursday: [ Huntsville: Can. Tire Parking Lot, 9 - 2:00]
Fridays: [ Rosseau: July 1st, 9 - 2 | Baysville: 5pm - 8pm ]
Saturdays: [ Bracebridge @ Memorial Park, 9-2 | Dorset: 10 - 2:00]

Market days are fun. It takes one back to the days when one had to go to market to pick up fresh goods. There are may in other countries who do not need the refrigeration we need, as they can pick things up on the way home from work.

I love the variety of goods: stone work, jewellery, iron and metal work, fudge, baked goods, fresh produce, Vietnamese food, BBQs with freshly cooked lunch, crepes, honey, meat, wood carvings, clothing, and a great variety of arts and crafts.

Friends visit each other, cottage neighbours run into one another, and there is a festive air for all.

What is the most fun is that on a quiet day, or if a storm is brewing and business is slow, the vendors visit with each other!

The food is great; pancakes, popcorn, fudge, sausages, fresh baked goods, fruits, veggies, jams, spices and all are invited to partake!

We bought Guinevere (the dragon) from the Gravenhurst market. She was delivered the same day. It was my hubbie's anniversary present!

We were married by the lake, on our lakeshore, in Aug., 2002. Wedding photos by local photographer, Terry Hrynyk. Read the May, 2009, issue of Muskoka Magazine for more info on Muskoka Weddings!)


Guy D said...

I too love markets. Very nice pictures and post.

Have a great week.
Regina In Pictures

Gaelyn said...

I always enjoy a good market, whether selling or buying, often both. Especially to get fresh produce and flowers, maybe trade with a fellow vendor. Love your dragon. Great captures.

Jain said...

Guinevere is a doll! Not sure exactly when your anniversary is but I'll wish you and yours a very merry, nonetheless!

Carolyn said...

I miss the markets. Our island is small with only 5000 residents so markets are inconsistant and few. Half the fun of going to the cottage was stopping off at the markets on the way or if the weekend was wet and we getting on each others nerves we would head of to find a market. In London and Toronto my route home was always by the farmers markets for fresh dinner fixings.
Nice post and I love Guinevere, she's beautiful.
Thanks for sharing this special part of our world with us.
Blessings and smiles

Arija said...

We get most of our weekly food at the Saturday armers'Market. Fish, free range pork, beef and lamb, poultry both for the table and the chicken coop as well as the duch pond, fresh vegetables and fruit and you are not buying overpriced not so fresh inmorted goods from the big supermarket chains.
It is a lovely family outing at sunrise, grab a hot chocolate and enjoy the atmosphere.
A nice promtional post.

Wolynski said...

I love markets, my favorite being Camden Town in London. Sadly, I've yet to come across a market in Vegas, although I heard they have one somewhere downtown. Love that dragon.