We more or less stamped out a path in the snow for us, going down to the lakeshore to put out bird seed. Then the cats liked the pathway. The deeper the snow got, the deeper the path. We take them for walks almost every day.
Here are Oliver (black) and Sady dancing on the snow. They followed hubby and me out on the ice, despite snowmobiles screaming back and forth.

Sady caught

Oliver has a bit of a wash up.
Mitzie is currently in an anorexia nervosa stage. This video, about a minute in, shows her delicately picking her food out with her claws. Even the vet phones us to see how she is doing. She was abused and is deeply disturbed. You might laugh as we hand feed her. She is afraid of her shadow.

Sady and Mitz lounge by the wood stove after a long, hard day.
Love that 2nd photo - did you dig a kitty tunnel for them through the snow, or is that just a tire track?
Happy Critturday!
Tink *~*~*
NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
My Top 5 FUNky Facts About Pelicans
Our kitties would freak if we let them out in the snow.
I played too :)
I love them all Funsters Sandy
You were thinking well 3 cats is better than 4 cats....I have four in my house and a big collie mix dog that weighs 80+ pounds. And this is a small house!
I love the one with the two cats in front of the stove...and looks like you have a mighty hunter also.
Three cats sound like the perfect number to me!
Oh, they're so cute!
Hehe, you should take a look at my post! We win! But your cats are a handsome looking lot. The more, the merrier we say ;-)
you were thinking that one is not enough? I have 2 and I'm never more than a moment away from another :)
great photos
Thanks to all my visitors.
That pelican video is something, Tink.
I can't say we 'let the cats out in the snow'. They demand to go out and then Sady, the tabby, follows my hubbie everywhere, even onto the ice.
I know that 'she who dies with the most cats wins', we won't win. I can't imagine having more. We cannot travel more than a few days at a time as it is!
I love your cats playing in the snow. Lisa
3 must be a handful, cute but a handful.
Great pictures of your three cats.
Thanks for visiting my site.
Oh I love your kitties. :) Sady looks like my Maxie, a almost petite cat at 5.5 lbs) and Oliver looks like my Lola, a bit of a ghost kittiy, who is so sweet with such a gentle soul :) I also have my wonderful buddy Pekoe and Mom Misty-O who I rescued.
Poor poor sweet Mitz, that breaks my heart. She is so lucky to have such a wonderful forever home with you :)
okay, I think I need to update my blog with more kitty pics ;)
I'm surprised the cats would walk in such deep snow! Such trust. ;-)
They trust Brian implicitly! I call him the cat whisperer, or Dr. Doolittle...they're rather bold, these 2. Fortunately, we don't have predators around, i.e., raptors. We watch them carefully.
Brain's the cat whisperer? I was going for that title ;)
Terrific photos. I love the first snow one!!
We have 2 cats - both strays that we adopted. The youngest eats like that sometimes, and will look up at us asking to be hand fed. Strange thing is she's the one that has less social issues, etc from her stray days. She was adopted young. I always call her "precious" - too vain to get messy eating :)
They look like such happy kitties!
I have never seen cats walk in the snow.
I hope little Mitzie is o.k.!
Thanks, all for your comments - encouragement that the more the merrier, and many of you have some wonderful critters.
-and Mimi, she is a cat we have only been able to love. She resists nurturing. You feel helpless. We can't even pick her up as she scratches and bites. So the vet it out. What will be...
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