Wednesday, 28 February 2018

February precipitation, 2018

2018 mm snow cm
JAN 55.4 39
FEB. 47.8 35
We've had much more rain than last year. It's been very warm for February, as well. I find it disconcerting. 


Feb. 28 – last night it was 10 C. at bedtime!

We're amping up into spring, for some reason. The weather has been far too mild for February. There is an ebb and flow to normal seasons. I should be snowshoeing on the wetland, with the critters, well, flora and fauna, asleep safe in the bosom of the snow cover. This just isn't right.

Feb. 25 – sleety rainy stuff on top of hail and wind, lots lost power.

This isn't a normal February! I should be able to use my snowshoes on the wetland, and go for some fie walks. Flooding is pretty bad, too.
Lots of rain with flooding

Nearby, Hydro is out!

Feb. 21 – snowcover 6 cm, 

 Brantford has ordered an evacuation...
This is why Brantford is undergoing evacuations. Water is rising rapidly here. @weathernetwork #onflood
— Mark Robinson (@StormhunterTWN) February 21, 2018
Ontario flood map

Feb. 20 – up the continent it runs: 18 mm, snowcover 10 cm.

Feb. 19 – 29 cm snowcover

Feb. 15

Feb. 13 – 3.8 mm of water!

Feb. 11 – freezing rain in the forecast. Snow cover of 29 cm.

Feb. 10 –9 cm

Feb. 9 –here's the prediction!

Feb. 7 –Aye Cap'n, she's gonna blow!

Feb. 4 – 21 cm... it's a big one! 23 cm snow cover, with an icy crust.

Feb. 3 – a skiff of snow, more on the way. Snow cover =  5cm mostly ice.

Feb 1. – It started with excitement

It was such a temperature range, getting up to 1 C.

Life under the feeder

We're amping up into spring, for some reason. The weather has been far too mild for February.

There is an ebb and flow to normal seasons. I should be snowshoeing on the wetland, with the critters, well, flora and fauna, asleep safe in the bosom of the snow cover. This just isn't right. Climate Change is a terrible thing.

Feb. 27 at bedtime!

This requires a bit of explanation! Last night it was 10 C., I opened the door, and both Hooper and Daisy managed to scamper out. Daisy is fine, but Hooper still doesn't come and go freely. Hooper doesn't like going out in the daylight.

First, Daisy climbed the tree in the background, way up 20' or so. Hooper sat under the tree, all I could see were his paws and his eyes. He was fascinated. She began to come down, then paused.
Then, Hooper took off, climbing about 4' up another tree, paused, then ran down. He fired himself up Daisy's tree, in sheer joy. We were ready for bed and couldn't leave Hooper out.
I grabbed the videocamera and managed to capture Daisy as she was beside the pond.
I went out in my boots and housecoat, trying to herd him in by moving further out into the yard and swinging around. That worked, eventually! JB held the door. So much for my sleep hygiene! It took me awhile to settle down...

Daisy Hooper from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Feb. 27, 4:42 a.m. bunny

The bird feeder attracts all sorts of critters. With this early spring weather, I'm going to have to be vigilant and bring them in before Junior Bear wakes up. One reader claimed this is a hare, but I don't think its ears are all that long. I am often corrected, and I try to do my research. There is no sense spreading errors!
Bunny from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo. Feb. 27 at 10 p.m. and then 4 a.m. today, Wed., Feb. 28th.

Then there is Butch.
Butch raccoon from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Feb. 26th there were three hanging out together.
Butch x 3 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Faithful readers will recall my  Pileated Woodpecker and his large hole. I've been visiting irregularly, depending upon the ice cover on the ground. Back I went this week. There was a much smaller Hairy Woodpecker working the same tree.
Woodpecker from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Critters galore, even creepy crawlies!

We were watching TV, Hooper on my lap. He's a good snuggle puss.

Later, I noticed a speck on my shoulder – it was moving. It is highly unusual to have ticks in February, but it's been so mild.

I keep track of the ticks, curiosity, as well as statistics! I loved math...

The flags I made on a dull late winter day last year. They keep the birds away from the window. They made a delightful shadow in the video (below).

What a boy! Hooper (7 mos.) likes to sit up above the dignified Miss Annie (age 5) and give her a hard time.  It was so nice to see the sun.

Here they are in action, if you are so inclined!
Hooper & Annabelle from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Back on line!

I'm so sad! We lost internet for TWO DAYS!!!! AAAAGGGHHHHH! I missed a whole bunch of photos and videos posted by the grandies. I kept wanting to look things up. I told my son-in-law on the phone. I almost expected him to send flowers, he knows how much we are online. Jennifer and her crew came and found the issue. It shorted out, the box filled with water.

So here we are. Feb. 19 vs. Feb. 22! It's almost the same shot, but not quite. We lot all that lovely snow. Today, Sunday, is sleety rain.

Thursday, I heard the first robins. Friday, Feb. 23 I spotted them. They overwintered last year, but they seemed to know it was a tougher winter this year.

The birds have been lovely. I must replace the suet.

Down in the is REALLY wet! It has thawed and refrozen. It is very hard walking, I didn't venture down onto the meadow, even wearing my snazzy boots with the pics. I'm wondering how the pileated woodpecker is doing!