Friday, 14 February 2025

💖 Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you have a sweet, red day! The cats got me a card. It dances and sings. What a hoot.

It was a beautiful sunny day! Well, it was on Wed., Feb. 12th. 

Then the heavens opened Feb. 13th, and snow poured down on us. School busses were cancelled, people were told to stay off the roads. We expect another storm this weekend, Family Day Weekend. Oh well.

Poor Labbit in the snowfall. Good thing she has a nice fur coat. 

The deer weren't amused. I didn't feed them until after I'd had coffee, breakfast, and shovelled. There was some impatience and gnashing of teeth.

They aren't tame, by any means. One of them, a dominant female, stomps and makes chuffing noises at me. I don't know where she thinks the food comes, or if she thinks I'm not fast enough! Deer make about 7 or 8 noises, I read. They grunt, snort, sniff, blow air, bleat, and bellow. 

Look at the first photo, nice clear sidewalk! 

It fell and fell... 5 cm per hour, for a time. 

My camera is cool, with two views it combines into one image. It was a Black Friday sale. It's weird in snow storms!

I thought you might like an action shot!

Taking my time, and breaking for water, I did half the sidewalk, used the snow blower, and finished the sidewalk. That was much better than yesterday, when I used the sled to move some things and had to stop as I nearly fainted. I was wearing snowshoes, too! It's tough walking in the snow.

The poor birdies, and squirrels. The bird bath was nearly buried. I dug that out, refreshed the water, and cleaned off the feeders.

The Junco population has increased to about 4 or 5. 

By late afternoon, the wind had blown snow off the trees out back.
Out front the snow still stuck to the trees.

Down I went, the snow, at 15 cm, was rather high and the first pass is always tough. Usually, depending upon the depth of snow, one must only blow half the width of the scoop. Otherwise it is too hard on the engine. 

At the end of the driveway, it's slushy. 

At the highway, it was pretty bad. I couldn't have managed with the blower. This is where the wind has blown it, as well.

The end of the 100m driveway is tricky. The heat from tires and friction melts the pile at the road. The blower doesn't like that slushy snow. I really had to work at it.

Now, if I assess my work, it would appear I am a bit wobbly! These aren't good, straight, clean lines!

Got it done, though. 

💝 😻 🥰  This is another image of the Valentine's Day flowers the cats bought me! Of course, they shopped the day before the storm. They are clever cats.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Those cats are keepers, bringing such sweet things to you! That's quite some deal of snow... YAM xx

Anvilcloud said...

It's a good thing you are healthy and hardy.

eileeninmd said...

Lots of snow there, looks cold.
Pretty flowers.
Happy Valentine's Day! Have a great day and a happy weekend.

RedPat said...

You work so hard. Happy Valentine's Day!

tz_garden said...

Beautiful flowers! Your cats really love you. Haha, I think you did a great job in the snow, such hard work.

Barbara Rogers said...

Happy Valentine's Day. So glad to see your cats (via hubby) are remembering you, and all that snow clearing. Silly deer, they shouldn't be impatient. Learn from Labbit!

Hena Tayeb said...

You have the sweetest cats. Happy V Day. We have had snow on and off but thankfully it's been the kind that melts by the next day.. no shoveling required.

Kathy G said...

Happy Valentine's Day! You have very thoughtful cats.

The Furry Gnome said...

I remember many years of snowblowing, and before that, several decades of shoveling! That was one of my jobs at home.

DeniseinVA said...

Those cats were very sweet to buy you those beautiful flowers. I'm glad to see that very solid looking snow removal machine. A lot of hard work for you though. Nice that your critters are well taken care of and great videos also. Thank you for stopping over with the name of that book, "The Power of Kindness - Why Empathy Is Essential in Everyday Life by Brian Goldman." It's on my future book reading list now.

Jeanie said...

Your cats are far nicer than Lizzie -- or at least, more thoughtful! I saw a bunny this morning and actually thought of your Labbit!

Red said...

That's a lot of snow and a lot of work.

Kate said...

I could not be more pleased to discover another Canadian blog! Will get you added to my handy directory one day soon.

Kay said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Jenn. Your cats are so thoughtful. The card and flowers are gorgeous.
Wow! So much snow! My daughter in Chicago is expecting some snow soon. I hope it's not too bad since they had a bad water main break and they're out of water until tomorrow.

Val Ewing said...

Yikes. That is a LOT of hard work!
Glad the cats did the shopping before the storm!