Thursday, 13 February 2025

Crumbly Acres critters

💉 That was a day. Firstly, Joe had his quarterly Lupron injection. He buys it at the pharmacy and takes it to the nurse at our GPs office. Our government subsidizes the cost for seniors. Healthcare visits are free in Canada.

She pokes him in the intramuscular hip area. It hurt this time. It doesn't usually, he tells me. From there he bravely went shopping. We had to stock up for the storm.

Knowing there was a storm coming, the cats bought me flowers! 

The paperwhites had about 6 bulbs, but only one plant blossomed. 

It looks pretty in the dark. The camera gets triggered by snow. I'll have to shovel it later. 🚌 School busses are cancelled here and in Ottawa. 

I do enjoy birding. 

This beautiful starling has been around all winter. I love the markings. 

This is a photo from Feb. 23, 2003. In March we can expect some migratory birds to return, hopeful for spring.

Feb. 3, 2003

🇨🇦 Flag day in Canada is Feb. 15th, Saturday. All things considered, we're celebrating Canada. I put on my snowshoes to access the arbor. Two Canada flags designed by the late This beautiful flag was designed by the late Curtis "Mulidzas" Wilson (1980-2019), who lived in Campbell River, B.C. He died of a heart attack. 

Canadian flag sales are soaring with this Economic Terrorism from our neighbours. This is good, as people were turned off with the Truck Convoy. 

The Facebook ads are landing with a resounding thud. Many are cancelling plans to go south to the US. You'll notice they limited comments, knowing how we feel. 

Since I already had my snowshoes on, I checked on the bunny. I think Labbit is in another of Fred's burrows. She's moving around.

Most burrows have two entry/exits. The one hole looks open, but unused. 

I expect she'll be hunkered down, waiting for clover in the spring. 

Here is the main entrance, under the tree. The evidence is evident!

We have a good snow base. It protects flora and fauna. I wonder how deep it will get today?!

🦌I don't expect to see our cottontail, or any other mammals, other than Dratted Red Squirrels (DRS) today. OK, probably a deer or two! I haven't seen a male deer in weeks. Since rutting season. They hang our by gender.

Turkeys are trotting. I forgot about them. We still have four males hanging about.


Barbara Rogers said...

Nothing like a crazy neighbor to get you all to feel more patriotic! I haven't been able to stomach the details of each day for a few days...just skim the highlights. Many of us in the opposition are hoping that the judicial people can hold back the rising coup de Musk.

Anvilcloud said...

We'll be spending the day indoors.

eileeninmd said...

Turkey, deer and bunnies, they are all adorable.
I am glad the Canadian flags are flying proudly.
It is nice your kitties bought you flowers.
Take care, have a great day!

Mary Kirkland said...

It still amazes me that you have so many critters around. There was a woodpecker in a tree outside the other day and my daughter and I got all excited. I've never seen one in person. lol

RedPat said...

I have 3 flags in my window.

Cloudia said...

I 100% support our beautiful and generous neighbor to the north Canada! Picking a fight for no reason with our friend and closest neighbor is sinister or stupid or both! Keep the faith more people. Didn't vote for Trump then did when you consider how close a vote and how many people did not vote. Perhaps this will wake them up. Aloha my friend. I expect to see fewer Canadians in Hawaii and more power to them! Although hawai'i is a blue State that supports you and stands up to the president

Tom said..., what thoughtful cats, stay warm and well.

DrumMajor said...

Please keep Canada away from our stupid U.S. idiots. I see it as a ray of hope on the horizon in case I need to leave the U.S. Maybe one of your best hockey players can shoot a puck into Trump's mouth, Musk's head, and RFK Jr's ear. Linda in Kansas

Christine said...

Thank goodness for Govt subsidies on meds for seniors

Red said...

You have really upped the stress in this post. Keep warm during the storm and stay inside until it's over.

Shug said...

Your flowers are lovely. I always enjoy paper whites. I am amazed at the amount of snow and all of the sweet little critters you have around your place. I am sure it is a lot of fun during the Winter months watching all the movement of the deer, turkey, bunnies and even the birds. I enjoy watching the birds as they outsmart many of our squirrels that are trying to get their seeds. I can almost hear the birds laughing when the squirrels try getting on the feeders with springs. LOL. It was 85 degrees her last Friday...this morning it was 27. Texas weather is ridiculously odd.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice snowfall! Stay warm!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful to look at and great flowers. Sweet of Kitties/Joe to bring you flowers. Joe's is a great role model, you too. I don't blame Canadians for staying home, bizarre goings on down here and I will say no more because you know already.

Kay said...

You are so lucky to have free healthcare. And now Trump is proposing cutting Medicaid for the poor. And I'm told he's trying to give tax cuts for the wealthy? It's a daily agony to hear of one more thing he's done or planning to do. Almost everybody I know here in Hawaii did NOT vote for that greedy, power hungry, evil man and his henchmen. We're in disbelief that Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii is an intelligence chief. She wouldn't be able to win an election here in Hawaii. And RFK Jr. Never mind. I'm getting too upset thinking about it.