Friday, 7 February 2025

Another snowy day!

 The cats were to go in for their annual exams and shots. We deferred it to a day without 7 cm snow. 

It was quite a snowy day
I noticed a rock I that wasn't very snow covered. Turns out it was Labbit chewing dead weeds and plants.


I posted photos of little Nutmeg the other day. This is her quiet spot. She didn't get the memo that I was washing sheets!

This is their daytime spot, in the sunshine. 

The cats get pretty tired squirrel and bird watching! I had 4 house finches, amongst others. 


There are two pairs of cardinals!
The two males at the same time!

We finished off 🎥 Darby and Joan (AU) this week. The new one is a 6-show series: Protection (UK 2024 - miniseries) 6 episodes. I was quite happy to have a hot shower and put my feet up having done the driveway and refilled bird feeders.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Wasn't D&J fun?! I hope they make another series. See if you can find Recipes For Love And Murder... a tiny bit slow going on the first couple of eps, but then gets juicy and fun! Set in South Africa, but there's a thread to Scotland. YAM xx

Anvilcloud said...

We also finished Darby and Joan. We have since watched Case Histories and are currently doing The Gone and The Long Shadow. All four series are pretty good.

eileeninmd said...

Nice variety of birds, looks like you have female Purple Finches there too. Happy Friday! Take care, have a happy day!

Nancy J said...

30 minutes to put on outside gear, 30 minutes out there, and the same to take off and hang up after shaking off the snow. Jenn, what is the better brand or size of a snow shovel? I see the Vancouver wagon got bogged down at Cypress, Innovation was the answer!!! Or did he say Improvisation...

RedPat said...

Cardinals in winter look so beautiful.

Mary Kirkland said...

My dog likes to sit in the sun by the door when we have it open. He would hate it if we had snow like that. I love seeing the snow in your pictures though.

Jeanie said...

Now that's a cat -- they don't care if the sheets need laundering, are fresh or if there are none at all. if that's where they want to be, that's where they will be!

Val Ewing said...

We sure loved Darby and Joan.
Looks like you have winter. We have drought, dust, and brown everything.
Normally we have snow drifts about now.