Thursday, 30 January 2025

Snow day!

It's the time of year here for hot meals, warm clothes and cocoon time. I love seeing my blog friends' posts about sun, flowers, and summertime. It heartens me to know spring is coming. Sometime!

I was proud of myself. I built a crock pot of chilli. A couple cans of beans, ground turkey, a yellow and red onion, minced garlic, yellow and orange peppers, a can of tomato paste, a can of diced tomatoes, a can of pineapple chunks, S & P, etc. I did taste test it. For that reason, I looked at the spice jar. The Best Before date? It was 2020. No wonder... Throwing in a bunch of red pepper flakes fixed that.We ate our fill and I just popped the bowl onto the garage landing. It was -6 overnight. Our winter refrigerator! 

This afternoon, I'll pop it back onto the heat. Some biscuits, and we are good. 

Speaking of food. We enjoy watching them from the kitchen window.

I'll leave this here. We all need a good giggle. 

Mad Libs

They are really fun, and teach grammar. I used to do these all the time with my students. They'd read a sentence aloud to a partner, then ask their partner to fill in a word, noun, adjective, etc.   
you can download printables here!

This is really funny. Time for adults to do them. This is our Premier, who called an early provincial election. It's not what we need now, but he is afraid of the federal election coming up. Most of us are really upset. He has ignored citizens and scientists regarding the environment, COVID practices, healthcare issues, and was useless during the Truck Convoy. His buddies are land developers. He sorta sounds like someone south of the border. It truly is discouraging as anyone with a conscience will tell you. 
posted on Bluesky

☃We've had our fair share of snow. Not as much rain as last year.
A snowy night!

The winds blew the trees clean!

I had some work to do. 

Back in business. 

It was good exercise to clean off the driveway and sidewalk. Exercise is good. So is fresh air!
I thought I had an appointment in town. Turns out I was a week off. But I'm not failing! Back home to mope. Everything seems so discouraging. 

My client passed over this week. It is sad. A good soul, well-loved by many. 

Blowing snow!



Barbara Rogers said...

Nice looking snow pics. Politics! Baah Humbug! Crazier and crazier!

Leslie's Garden said...

That's an interesting chili recipe. I've never heard of pineapple being added. I guess it adds some sweetness. You're so cold! We're heading to 70 degrees this week. Stay warm and take care.

eileeninmd said...

The minus temperature are just too cold.
Love the deer and some chili sounds good too.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

DrumMajor said...

Beautiful scenery. Sorry you lost your client. I'm sure you helped them during their final months. Uh, your Premier seems to be a younger bully brother to our jerk in the U.S. That should scare tRump that Denmark wants the gulf. It's all so petty and disgusting. Linda in Kansas

Val Ewing said...

Conservative Math says it perfectly. What ever we want.

Gulf of Denmark? Too funny.
We don't have any snow left again. It is so dry here.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I love these wide-angled shots! And the giggles... although tinged by the loss, one cannot remain sad for long if the life has been well-lived. YAM xx

Mary Kirkland said...

Sorry to hear about your client.
So much snow and so cold. I've never had pineapple in chili before. Sounds interesting.

RedPat said...

Love the Gulf of Denmark!

Kathy G said...

Sorry to hear about your client.

Mad Libs are a lot of fun. The meme one made me laugh out loud.

Far Side of Fifty said...

So sorry about your client.

DeniseinVA said...

Yes, we all need a good laugh. Love the humor and thank you! Those cuts are so painful! Great snow photos and videos. I am very sorry about your client, heartening to know they were well loved.

Anvilcloud said...

Ford is so awful that I forgot about the convoy business. Useless.

Red said...

Soon those long shadows will be gone.

Jeanie said...

I've heard a few people mention mad libs lately. I loved them as a kid and I'm thinking maybe Carson is old enough for them now -- a good way to teach him what nouns and adverbs and such are. I might have to pick up some before we see them again. Good luck with your election. You guys are on the edge of us and I hope it doesn't go that far.

Kay said...

Are you sure your premier is not cousin to Trump. Why? How did they hoodwink so many people into making them leaders of our country?