I am having fun with Jeremiah. The little froggies, not so much. Can you see the medium sized one in the lower left corner?

Can you see the wee frog in the corner, right near Jeremiah bullfrog?!
Guinivere is wearing a sweet scarf!
Joe takes Modified Citrus Pectin, to help manage his prostate cancer. It isn't cheap. Thing is, it comes in the large plastic container, but only contains 450 gms. This is ridiculous. This is a newly opened container. Maybe 1/3 full.
We were sitting out back, and Joe thought he'd like to create a sculpture!
Part of Autumn chores: repainting stuff for winter. I had a helper.
Cinnamon has his morning drink.
...excessive packing is a serious problem!
I like your blue stool. And the goose with the bandana. It all adds to the fun and joy of your garden (along with all those cute frogs!)
The frogs are waiting for their big trip to the large water.
Fun times with Cinnamon and Jeremiah, who is quite a fine specimen of frogginess. 😊
Hari OM
Crikey, that MCP packaging is a serious case of overkill! Love Guin's autumn scarf... and Jeremiah is as much as character of the pond as Percy! YAM xx
That is definitely over packaging.
Love and envy you your frogs. All of them.
Is that the start of an " Inukshuk" , you need more stones maybe!!! Do it before winter sets in, then anyone will know the way to home.
Our frog population has tanked. You don't hear much of the frogs in the spring.
Guinivere...she looks like a beautiful dragon. I love dragons and wanted one as a pet as a kid, oh, and a Pegasus too.
Looks like things are getting winterized. Soon the bears will hibernate right?
Definitely overpacking, shaking head. Guinivere is an adorable dragon and I would love her in my garden. Cinnamon looks like she is taking care of things. Frogs look as studious as ever forever watching what is going on.
https://www.anenglishgirlrambles2016.blogspot. Com
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