Thursday 26 September 2024

Fall is in the air

 We had manager Jamie in from Aussie Tree Care for a quote on taking down our dead elms in the upper meadow (Dutch Elm disease 😑). They are still seeding themselves, but not surviving too long. In the meantime, I worked on trimming this Maple (on the right) on the driveway. The propane delivery people back up the driveway, and I want to make it easier to see. 

I'm not sure one can see a difference! Maybe that is a good thing. I used the reciprocating saw on the branches. It takes ages, since it doesn't hold a charge too long, even with my spare battery. OK, I must be honest, I don't last too long either, with saw dust blowing in my eyes, and holding the heavy tool. 

I threw the branches onto the vacant lot. I am hoping to encourage the sumacs to come back. They are suffering from various periods of drought, on shallow soil. Let's see if this helps. 

Jeremiah seems to be keeping the smaller leopard and green frogs away. Happy dance. I will have to figure out when to move him to the frog pond for winter. 
He is an asset. He'll need time to bury himself in the mud for winter.

It is time for Autumn decor, as many are doing inside and outside their homes. I like the changes in seasons, and changing things up. Maybe it is just that after doing bulletin boards and display cases in school for 25 years, it's in my blood! 

I'm at the point where I forget where I've put things, and find them in a different season. I may run with that some time, just to keep everyone on their toes! 😆 

I took out the Fall flag, and found life imitating art. 
🕷Can you see it?! 

The horse chestnut tree is providing much food for the Dratted Red Squirrel (DRS). They have a little collection under the tree. I've never seen both the black squirrel and red squirrel eating them like they have been this year. 

I've moved Peter to the deck. Last year I put pine cones in his wheelbarrow. 
I thought he could carry the chestnuts in his wheelbarrow until winter, when the critters are desperate. Apparently, they are desperate now! 

All that was left in the wheelbarrow was one chestnut, and a cluster of rose hips. Apparently, they were good eating! Ain't nature grand?!

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