Thursday 22 August 2024

Happy anniversary!

 Here we are, Aug. 22nd. It is our 22nd anniversary. We talked about going to Kingston for an overnighter, but that isn't going to happen. It is chilly and maybe rainy. I did have a surprise!


I spotted a really tiny tree frog on the railing. It has to be this year's baby. Another one. It's good to see.

Wednesday I saw a storm move in, there were pop-up popcorn clouds all day Tuesday. It is an unusual storm, as it came from the north north east. Another cold morning, at 12 ℃. but I haven't had to put the heat on! 

The bumble bees are busy gathering pollen. Our woodland sunflowers are providing ample food.

I love a good storm!


Barbara Rogers said...

Like the new header. Since bumble bees don't make honey, I still like them, but not as much as honey bees. It's a selfish thing, since I eat honey daily. Loved seeing your beautiful rain.

Karen said...

It was very nice here all day yesterday, but the weather radar showed folks very close to us were getting rain. We had a brief downpour about 2AM so everything is wet this morning.

RedPat said...

I have bumble bees at the basil flowers and honey bees on the mint. They each have their favourites.
Happy Anniversary.

Anvilcloud said...

A tree frog's life seems to consist of staying in one spot and looking cute. No heat here, but I have turned on my electric blanket once or twice because I have been leaving the window open.

Kathy G said...

Happy Anniversary!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Happy 22nd you two wonderful peeps!!! YAM xx

tz_garden said...

Congratulations on 22 years! The roses are lovely :)

Shug said...

Happy Anniversary. Saw your blog from one of my blogging friends. Looks green in your area. It is HOT and dry here in Texas. Love that the bumblebees are busy..I enjoy watching them as they gather nectar from all the gorgeous flowers. Hope you have a great day and hop you will stop by for a visit..

Elephant's Child said...

Happy anniversary. And many more of them.

Romance Reader said...


Nancy J said...

Happy Anniversary , sometimes the best times are those not planned. XXX to you both.,

eileeninmd said...

Happy Anniversary! Take care, have a great weekend.

Jeanie said...

Happiest of anniversaries, Jenn. I hope it was a wonderful day!