Tuesday 27 August 2024

Flying things

I'll start with another sunrise photo!


Our little friend. I hope you don't mind repeat photos of this little one. It hopped hundreds of metres to get to the house from the wetland. It sits here sleeping during the day, and hunting for bugs at night. It's been here for about 5 days (20th), leaving little poop tales! 

Poor Joe! It's taken three days and two professionals, to figure out what is wrong with his ears. 
It wasn't wax, although I put oil in to loosen it just in case. The nurse at our GP's office checked him out. (She's really good at getting the wax out.) 

He took antihistamine, no help. Then Reactine, no help. 
The hearing aid dude gave him a couple of tests. He has water in his ear which prevents the ear drum from communicating sound to the brain. He turned up Joe's hearing aids, and showed him how. 

It could be Allergic Rhinitis, AKA Hay Fever. But these are different symptoms from the old days. I think it is a cold. 

We've gone back to Closed Captioning on the TV. Normally this isn't a problem, but when the music rises, as it does, or there is gunfire, for example, you know what happens.

 These are the last few days of sitting out on the deck. Soon it will too cold. I do remember sitting on the front deck of our cottage, bundled in my great-grandmother's quilt, reading.

Monday went well. The garbage was out in time. Yay me! A little Leopard Frog was encouraged to get off of the driveway into the grass. 

It's a nice 100 m walk to the end of the driveway.

I tried the slow motion, but I'm not thrilled. Maybe I am missing something on the iPhone. Old dog, new tricks!

 From there, I found other flying things!


Aug. 25  11:30

Then there was this one! Yikes!


Barbara Rogers said...

Never a good sign, sputtering. But just look at those distances you and froggie have made! You missed saying down and back!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty sky photo! My hubby is having problems with his ears too, not sure what the problem is. Take care, enjoy your day!

RedPat said...

There always seems to be some issue to worry about. Glad the covid recovery continues.

Anvilcloud said...

I use CC by default, even though I might not require it for some programs.

Divers and Sundry said...

That cottage looked well sited and perfect for the location. I can imagine sitting out there enjoying the sounds of nature. Love the frogs❤️

Elephant's Child said...

Love your sky. And your critters.

Red said...

You have good and bad here. Hopefully the good out weighs the bad soon.

tz_garden said...

I hope his ears clear up a bit, that has to be frustrating. I love the way your porch looks, so inviting!