Things are fairly quiet here. Even sitting on the back deck in the shade is too hot. I tried reading, but I've got some floaters in both eyes, nearly centre. I was tracking the radar to see if I should water or not. It was building up, and it looked encouraging. It was moving north east. Sadly, all we had was a mm.
I put this little video together. This is the Eastern Comma caterpillar having brunch on the back deck. Let me know what you think! (Sound on!)
Eastern comma from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
We have the usual, Fred!

Cinnamon was observing Fred. Cinnamon is such a gentle cat! Not that killer instinct like Nutmeg. This is why we let him out. He keeps track of Fred.
fred cinnamon from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Hari OM
What's interesting is that Fred doesn't seem all that bothered by Cinnamon being on their 'roof'! YAM xx
You should send this video to the politicians! An example of cooperativeness and peaceful coexistance. Linda in Kansas
That caterpillar is eating it's own weight in no time. I'd think it would burst! So cool to see Fred and Cinnamon coexisting!
Fred and Cinnamon are like neighbours who just nod at each other.
We need rain, too, but it always goes to the north or south. I love your caterpillars and that Fred seems so unconcerned.
Such bites, sounds like walking on crunchy snow. Rain, either way too much or not enough.
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