Friday 24 May 2024

Backyard birding

 We have our exercise routines. Here is Joseph Brian doing his! 

Nothing better than backyard birding! I was out Tuesday at 7 a.m. and Wednesday at 5 a.m. (couldn't sleep Wednesday)! I've been using BirdNet, but I switched to Merlin. It highlights the bird singing in real time. And shows which have been heard. 


birding from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I put up the deer fence with JB's help. We seem to have just one doe hanging about for the past few days. Although, there was a buck a week ago. 

I arrived home Tuesday to the doe on Oliver's Lot.

This is my purple pencil. I had to cut off a section of it off the bottom, it was rotten, and reattach the bolt. One lag bolt was beyond redemption. I faked it. Then, a new paint job! 

This is a favourite spot for Phoebe to perch!

The phoebes began to hatch on Thursday, May 22. 

All hatched by the 23rd. 

We rested on the lower deck and a centipede millipede ambled by! You are right, Cloudia! 


Patio Postcards said...

If you had told me in my twenties that I'd now be a bird watcher, I would have laughed you right out of the party! Just put up my Hummingbird feeder & we bought a new bird bath. We certainly don't get the assortment of birds that you do, but no matter I do enjoy those that visit. Pretty toes!

Tom said... sure get a lot visitors!

Barbara Rogers said...

Good morning Jenn. Nothing like a hundred legs, eh? Like your purple nails. Couldn't hear any birds though.

eileeninmd said...

It is nice to have a variety of backyard birds.
The Phoebe has a pretty spot to perch!
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Red said...

The blue post makes me curious.

tz_garden said...

Oh, sweet baby birds. I love your pencil perch!

Cloudia said...

I think that's a millipede. You are the chronicler of nature in your area and we benefit. It's such a pleasure to see what's going on in your neck of the woods. Aloha, Jenn

Elephant's Child said...

The phoebes will be busy keeping food up to their brood. Bird watching is so rewarding. That is a big centipede and I like your purple nails.

Anvilcloud said...

I admire you both for sticking to a regular exercise program. I lack the capacity.

Divers and Sundry said...

Exercising is so important!

I enjoy bird-watching on our little patio :) It's hard to get the apps to work here will all the background noise.

DeniseinVA said...

Good for you both on the exercise. I am hoping to get some walking in today. I was shown how to use Merlin on my sister-in-law’s last visit. What a great app. Another super post, have a wonderful weekend.