Friday 22 March 2024

Bird watching

 Wednesday morning – we woke to snow! It since melted. The sun came out, and the blue sky was lovely. It is -12 ℃ this morning and it's a biting cold. Our heron have returned, a bit early. There aren't any frogs or fish out.

I drove home from my client's house, past the old heron rookery. The nest blew down a couple of years ago but I had photos from 2013. One nest has been rebuilt, and I saw a heron up top. I must find a sunny day upon which to commemorate said nest. There is more snow on the way, however!

It meant lots of action at the feeders. This I took with the zoom lens, through the front window. 

Not too bad and much warmer indoors!

Sharing: female cardinal, mourning dove and a grackle.

The mourning dove had a nap on the bird bath! 

The red-winged blackbirds are so pretty!

More sharing!

Not sharing:

The grackles are in full SPRING mode. Making that noise they make and puffing out their feathers. 

The bird songs are wonderful. In this video you can hear the grackles, red-winged blackbirds, and the cardinal.


deer friends from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Prior to the snowfall, Cinnamon snagged a vole.


Cinnamon's vole from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We stop feeding the deer when they have food. The lilacs are budding, and the saplings, and they have all but disappeared. I don't know if Duke made it through winter. He dislocated his ankle. Our trio, doe and twins, have similarly gone to summer yards. All we have left are a small doe and her very wee fawn. 

last feed March 14 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Barbara Rogers said...

Great to hear your birds as they flit around. Good for Cinnamon, hope he didn't eat the vole, but good hunting! The little deer are sweet, and your hubby seemed to enjoy their company!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh, I love that vid of Joe and the deer... and your window shots are wonderful! Hooroo frae the northerner parts of the Bonny Land, where I will stay for a few nights with family and then turn south again.. YAM xx

RedPat said...

The birds are filling up to get ready for the snow today.

Jeanie said...

We got a few inches last night -- 5-8 are expected but I'm hoping they are wrong! Love your bird photos -- especially the cardinal. So pretty with the snow. Love your heron statue, too. I'd love to be close to a rookery!

Anvilcloud said...

It has been a good week for taking pictures from the inside.

The Furry Gnome said...

You've trained those deer well!

eileeninmd said...

Nice variety of birds and I love the deer!
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Cloudia said...

I like all of your birds. The grackles, the red, winged, blackbirds and cinnamon is my favorite, of course! What a hardy little hunter cinnamon is Aloha my friend. Thank you for sharing your beautiful posts with us

Red said...

Deer spread out to avoid the bad guys.

Kay said...

It's so neat to see how comfortable the deer are with your hubby. I can see them wondering if he's got more food to share with them.