Tuesday 19 December 2023

🏚 The saga of the Cumbly Acres sink

🏡We've a new sink! <= the full saga

We found someone to install our new sink and taps. There were issues when you convert a sink in a 1986 home to new one. We've done so much work on this house! 

The tap began dripping in August. We formulated a plan after extensive research. I bought these Sept. 27th. They arrived in October. We looked for an installer from then on. 

Our contractor arrived Dec. 16th, promptly at 8 a.m.

I'd gotten things ready. Drawers were put in the bedroom, the mirror on my bed. 

It was tricky, but the topper was only glued at the corners. This is good for easy removal. Apparently I did not measure correctly. It is 3/8" too small in width. He made it work. 

There we go!

What was the next problem? The drainage pipe is too close to the wall and it needs to be replumbed. 

Also, placement of the sink. I agonized over that. Online one friend said she had one at the side and didn't like it. 

Dec. 17th

Back came the two men Sunday morning. They realized that the drain I'd bought wouldn't work with this sink. Off they went to town for a new one. It was $30 cheaper! 

I reread the instructions, and they said the sinks work with any Vigo product. Not so. We will take the $90 drain back to Rona this week. 

The sink isn't flat on the bottom. It would turn and rock, except they put some silicone under it. That fixed it. 

Here we are! I cleaned underneath, reinserted the drawers and reattached the cupboard doors. Washed the outside and inside of the cupboards, the doors and the floor.

They did well, vacuuming up with an shop vacuum. Cinnamon didn't budge!

Next Project on Clumbly Acres

After the holidays, we shall have to replace this tap for the bathtub. The taps are deteriorating and have begun leaking.  We'll need time to recover.
"Don't criticize the coffee. You'll be old and weak one day!" 
\\ Jesus take the wheel! //


Val Ewing said...

That is a beautiful sink! Sure is a stunner!

I went through an addition and remodel in 2016 and that was a doozy, but I am glad we hired someone to do the task!
Thanks for stopping by!

Barbara Rogers said...

That's such a lovely blue sink. I wonder about how much splash you get from the high faucet... But it sure is nice if you wanted to wash a cat! Right! Do any of your cats like to sleep in a sink? I've known some who do. Goodness gracious, a simple job that had so many changes before it could be accomplished! Makes you grateful for every thing that just works!

eileeninmd said...

The new sink looks pretty!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Anvilcloud said...

Plumbing is nightmarish, but the result looks fab.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
The new sink suits your bathroom very well... I've got a tap that is waring out too. Just don't want to think about it just now! YAM xx

Divers and Sundry said...

Why doesn't anything ever go smoothly? We have a plumbing issue we need fixed, but after 2 attempts at a professional not fixing it we're just not using that shower. Someday we hope to gather our courage and try a different plumber.

Elephant's Child said...

Your new sink looks very stylish but what a hassle for you and the contractors. I hope your next project goes much smoother.

Nancy J said...

I like my coffee strong !!! Hope it stays that way and not getting weaker day by day.!!! Beautiful new sink, here we call them basins. I had a friend, well really an acquaintance, her husband built this stunning huge home, and in the guest bathroom !!! had a wooden bench and two round white basins with very fancy taps. I like yours so much more. Keep warm, stay calm. All is well down here, but lawn to mow, baking to do, and housework looming in a massive way !!!

Olga said...

It seems that there are always jaunts to the store during household projects of any sort but especially plumbing. Your new sink looks very nice!

DrumMajor said...

Might want to have those same guys buy the replacement parts for the next project; or go with them to choose; or have them send you photos to consider. That tub set-up looks a little tricky. Love the new blue sink, looks spiritual. Linda in Kansas

RedPat said...

There always seems to be something to do and to worry about.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a beautiful looking sink. I’m glad it all worked out.

Kathy G said...

Being a homeowner means there is a never-ending list of projects.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I know it was a project in the works for several months, glad you finally got it installed, and it looks great!

Kay said...

Wow! That's gorgeous! We have bathroom renovations coming up next year and I'm not looking forward to it.