Thursday 30 November 2023

More walkies in the cold

I covered up my rose bush. We'll see if it makes a difference. 💝 Everything is snuggling in. The insect, reptiles and amphibians are hibernating under leaves, or in holes, or under the mud.

We've come to expect frost in the morning. I played around with the iPhone camera, and it took good close up photos. 

I put on JB's rain boots to skuff about in the forest. On the way down to the pond, it looks like a big pile of coyote poop. Cinnamon was keen on it.

Cinnamon then flung himself up a tree.

He is a happy cat.

Cinnamon from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

He spent a good 5 minutes just sitting on the end of the dock. I kept going, though. I yell, 'walkies' and he usually roars up to me and past me. 

We went on lot #3. Lots of dead and fallen trees about, as well as bright green moss. The birds are fairly quiet. 

Just below this tree, it appears that the coyotes picked up some garbage from the highway, hoping for a meal.

An empty Mcdonald's bag, cup, and crushed chocolate milk box. Some people are pigs, chucking garbage out the vehicle window. It irks me, but this is why I go ditch diving 3 or 4 times a year. The coyotes must have brought it onto our property to eat in peace.

This is our lot #2. 

He was so happy, roaring out of the bushes to roll on the driveway back on lot #1.

walkies from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Speaking of walkies, this isn't our cat, nor do they go out in the dark! That is when the predators are out and about. I've informed our local vet. It has come from a piece away. We're on 16 acres, and no nearby neighbours. 

black cat from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Barbara Rogers said...

Oh Cinnamon, what a fun time you seem to have on walkies! Such a shame about the trash being thrown from highway.

RedPat said...

Cinnamon is no longer nervous going for walks! That is a good thing.

Karen said...

We have a black cat showing up on our trail camera at night too. There are cats wandering around out here. Makes me sick because the fishers are becoming more active.
We had new folks move in at the top of the road, dumping their various cats out to "acclimatize". They ended up with the SPCA.

Nancy J said...

Blackie has a beautiful tail, wonder how far he travels? I looked at Perth weather at and you will have some very cold nights and cold days!!! Hope you have ample firewood. We are already thinking of our order for next year, plan to have the shed totally full and extra stacked out on the concrete!!

Jeanie said...

I love your carefree, happy cats! I'm glad they don't go out at night.

Cloudia said...

It's wonderful to see a happy cat and a wonderful you as well! Fallen leaves are important and should be left for the creatures that need them good for you!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for taking us walking with you and Cinnamon.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I just love your cat that goes on walks with you.

Red said...

Lots of critter movement in the fall.

Anvilcloud said...

You must have trained them well for them to accept having to stay in at night.

William Kendall said...

Cats can have a wide range.