Wednesday 15 November 2023

Happy birthday!

Well this is Joseph Brian's actual birthday. It began well, with a glorious sunrise. 

I put up a banner in the dark. It says, 'Happy Birthday!' Trust me. The big party was two weekends ago [A birthday party]! 

We both have our creaks and chronic pains. This we can live with. It makes me grateful that we are at this stage in life. Every day you don't see you name in the obits is a bonus! 

I washed sheets and banged my hand on the end of the bed remaking it. duH! I usually take photos of owies for posterity. That way you can tell if it is getting better or worse. It is a serious bruise. I've been icing it.

He had his Lupron injection Tuesday. We'll hope for another 3 months, for another PSA test and another injection, if all goes well. I caught him on the trailcam. He walks almost every morning. 

Joseph will begin the day with apple pie for breakfast. His favourite. He bought it frozen and baked it himself on Tuesday. Of course, we had some for dessert on Tuesday.

His hearing aids are working well. We looked at them in 2013, but were told they wouldn't make a difference. I was happy when he went back this year and they said they could help him.

 This is what we looked at in 2013.

They are very sophisticated, and compact. I don't notice them. Today we pay for them, after a month of trying them. I am pleased with them, as I do have a vested interest! We get $1000 back from the government. Bonus!

We have forest friends.

coyote from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

buck from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Jeanie said...

Happy Birthday to J. B. You are so right about not seeing your name in the obits!

I'm so sorry about your hand. That looks like a nasty bruise indeed, and probably really hurts and will for a bit. I hope it heals quickly.

Elephant's Child said...

Happy 'real' birthday to Brian Joseph.
Ouch on the owie. I have a few myself.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
🎉🎂🍾 Happy Birthday, JB... here's to celebrating again with you this time next quarterly steps 😘 Huggies from afar. YAM xx

Nancy J said...

Happy Birthday JB, enjoy your actual day, that began with a beautiful sky and a scrumptious meal, Love the banner Jenn, and as our GP told Hugh, every morning you put two feet on the floor, it's a good day. Ignore the aches, they are a privilege that comes with age.

RedPat said...

Happy Birthday to the young guy!

Barbara Rogers said...

Several friends have those great hearing aids. And it's wonderful until we're in a noisy restaurant, no matter how well designed they may be. I don't understand why so many restaurants seem to make an effort to have a lot of noise, starting with their music on speakers. Give me a quite place any time. OK, I diverted there a bit. Happy Birthday to the man in your life...whichever day he has one. Yes to pie for breakfast!!

Cloudia said...

Happy happy birthday! And may you enjoy many more with Aloha

Kathy G said...

Wish the birthday boy a happy one from me. Apple pie sounds like a fabulous breakfast.

Red said...

I find that hearing aids make some things better and some worse. Overall hearing aid do help.

DeniseinVA said...

Gorgeous sunrise for his special day. Happy Birthday Joseph Brian! Looks like a lovely celebration, and so sweet of your forest friend to visit too. I would love to have apple pie for breakfast. Ouch on banging your poor hand. I hope the bruising disappears soon. I can see hearing aids in my future, they really are amazingly small these days. Yay technology! Hmmm…for some reason I have a hankering for apple pie for breakfast :)

Patio Postcards said...

Belated birthday wishes to JB. One of my brothers prefers pie to birthday cake. We also watch The Repair Shop & I liked their definitions of the types of repairs they do. I wonder if doctors secretly refer to their tending to us humans this way (col)?

Anvilcloud said...

Happy belated.

I hope you got your pie from the Perth Pie Co (I think it is). They're pretty good. We have recently got them from the Civitan in Almonte and the United Church in Ashton. They're very good, but it's a once per year thing.

Now I want apple pie, and for breakfast would be fine.

eileeninmd said...

Happy belated Birthday to JB!

Take care, have a great day!

Divers and Sundry said...

Happy Belated Birthday to him! Apple pie is an excellent choice, especially for breakfast :) I should follow his example and walk.

William Kendall said...

Happy belated birthday to him.