Tuesday 17 October 2023

Deer and turkeys

Our Ottawa kids are doing well. Caitlin and Isabelle went to the Carp Farmers Market on the weekend. They had some feijoada for lunch. It is a Portuguese meal, meat, beans and pork stew. What a bright sunny day and a bright sunny pair! 

We've still a few leaves.

Sunday, in the light rain, I covered the water fountain. The one light is on for a pagan festival. Yes, that's it! This morning it was 2 C., and the lights in the dark are lovely to see. 

Sunday, we had a pair of deer wander through, eating weeds and sapling leaves.

JB got set up for his football game Sunday afternoon.

We've still a few leaves, and the petunias are hanging in.

I gave up frogging. They are just too jumpy. I'm going to leave them for a few days. Or give up. It could go either way! 😜

In the afternoon, the turkeys ambled by. Caitlin thinks that they know Thanksgiving is over!

Not great shots through the windows, but they were fun to see. 

I'll have to go down to the trailcams and see how far they went.

I put out our turkey carcass, and it was cleaned up quite quickly. 

crow & turkey vulture from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Anvilcloud said...

I am thinking a going out to catch a bit of remaining colour, but I don't want to go far, and probably won't go at all because that's sort of where I am at these days.

RedPat said...

I think I could sit by your window all day and watch the world of creatures go by.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We have frogs and toads that survive in the window well. We rescue most of them but I think some come back! You are a trooper moving them out!

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely to see Caitlin and Isabelle enjoying themselves. I have never heard of feijoada before but all the ingredients are what I enjoy. I’ll have to look for a recipe as I enjoy trying different combinations of foods, spices, etc. That light looks very festive, especially in the dark. The changing leaves look very pretty, as are the other scenes around your home. And those deer, how I would love to see them. It’s been a long time since I have and I haven’t seen a wild turkey forever. Fun video as always. Hubs is also enjoying his football. He and JD strike a similar pose :)

Cloudia said...

Always enjoyable dear! Aloha!

Tom said...

...we are in the Adirondacks and saw over a dozen turkeys alongside the road. What a sight.

Red said...

Fall is an interesting time. the critters know how to get prepared for winter.

eileeninmd said...

The kids are growing up, lovely young ladies.
I like the deer and turkeys.
Take care, have a great day!

Divers and Sundry said...

Interesting light for the pagan festival. My husband follows a couple of football teams but is mostly a baseball fan. Poor Cardinals didn't have a happy season.

Turkeys! It must be fun to have such ready access to that sight.

Jeanie said...

It's fun watching how things evolve -- if they sell or are rehabbed. I had to cancel my "hearing air demonstration" appointment due to a reunion with my college roommates. (Which would YOU rather do?) But it's on the horizon. Most of the time I don't think I need it-- just a good reaming out!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love all the turkeys. so cool. we hear them but rarely see them. coyotes as well .. hear .. not see. ( ;

William Kendall said...

Turkeys can be real characters.