😷 It is Autumn, and while it is flu season, our COVID numbers for the vulnerable are significant in our small health unit. We are being careful. Below is last week compared to this week. Two more deaths.

🦻 In other health news, JB's hearing aids seem to be working well. It is a miracle. Since he is a senior, we get $1000 back from the government. Bonus. He was reading in the living room, I was preparing dinner, and he could hear me crinkling a package as I opened it. It makes TV watching much easier. For weeks we've been putting oil into his right ear. There is a ball of wax. That is loosening up, but it is really close to the eardrum. They couldn't remove it. No wonder he couldn't hear me, sitting on his right in the TV room.
It is a learning curve, but we're getting the hang of it. Taking off glasses requires a bit of care, as does putting on and taking off masks. as you wrote, A/C. We only use N95s, which is less of an issue. The man at the hearing centre said that he had the same number of people losing hearing aids during the pandemic as he did in the previous 10 years. Duly noted!
🛩 I watched this plane go overhead and looked it up.
I'm getting a little better at filming them!
air plane from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
🐦 Closer to the ground, bird watching has been enjoyable. I've the zoom lens on the tripod looking out the front window.
They've all mated and nested, and I can't tell adults and babies apart. A blue jay and a white-breasted nuthatch.
I sent Joseph Brian in to the feed store for cracked corn. I love the mourning doves, who like the corn.
Mr. Cardinal has that cute little tilt to the head! Poor froggie, with a bird on his head.
I have seen the female, but she is a less frequent flyer, and the blue jays are bullies. They have to be careful.
Something the citizen science bird watching sites tell us to watch for are bird-bird interactions. The mourning dove and cardinal will feed side by each.
🐸 I relented. I could see several and they challenged me. (It's good to have a purpose in life!) I moved 5 more. The few days I took off helped. We've rain on the way and I am tempted to drain the pond some and get a few more. The water barrel and eaves system will refill it to protect the water lilies.
I think I am down to a handful.
Oct. 11 a.m. – 7 frogs moved
Oct. 11 p.m. – 7 frogs
Oct. 12 p.m. – 13 frogs
Oct. 13 p.m. – 5
Oct. 14 p.m. – 3
Oct. 18 p.m. – 5 = 40
I'm really interested in following the hearing aid story. And very interesting about the masks and the hearing aids. Glasses, too. Well done on the frogs!
Glad it's working for him.
You take good care of all your creatures.
Ah, you are the super-frog-mother-savior-of-all or something. Glad the hearing aids are helping. My friend just got some, and she has pretty little ears (to go with the rest of her) so with glasses, and often a mask, her ears just bend down. And then she often hangs some pretty dangling earrings also. What busy places they have become!
Love the trees in your header. Great variety of birds.
Take care, have a great day!
Before Hugh had his hearing test he had to have his ears cleaned, the specialist place had all fancy and no doubt expensive equipment, including a very flash chair that reclined, tilted, etc... then used a mini vacuum cleaner with a long fine nozzle. He hates wearing his ,my test is next , T people mumble,. mutter, and the words are all a jumble. Ah, another piece of old age equipment.!!! Make sure they are included in your insurance items though. Jenn, no more grumbling to yourself, JB will hear you from a distance now !!!
I am thrilled that the hearing aids are making such a difference.
We spend a LOT of time watching birds here - and don't begrudge any of it.
Yya for moving some more frogs.
Wonderful birds -- including the big huge one in the sky!
What a lovely variety of birds, so nice to see.
All the best Jan
reminds me of me and my parents ...we were at a Air BNB in North Carolina ... for a family reunion. i did keep saying hey mom look ... so many birds. great fall colors. so fun. ( ;
Good luck with the hearing aids. Some sound frequencies are hared to pick up.
I have seen Indian mynah birds having a tussle with an audience of other mynah birds. I always enjoy my visits with you, Jenn.
Hope JP is doing well and expels the wax soon. Enjoy your new hearing aids dear! Aloha
Really interesting to read about the hearing aid issue Jen -- Bill has just made an appointment for his appointment (first time). I told him about the issue with the glasses and masks (which we are wearing again in crowded situations, like the supermarket, drug store etc.0
The dove and cardinal make a pleasant sight.
I'm happy to hear the hearing aids are working.
All your birds! We do have those here, just not on the patio lately. Why they are sometimes at our feeders and sometimes not is a mystery lol We can't tell it's related to weather, though they are more likely to visit in the winter. Our food is nothing if not easy ;)
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