Sunday 17 September 2023

Poor Charley!

 Charley, the spider, had a disappointment, something wrecked her web. She is still there, but didn't fix the web overnight. Nor the next. I was going to turn the plant around, but I can't with the web attached.

It was a beautiful web. 

😿 Friday night, around 7 p.m. dusk, someone came to the door to ask if we had a black cat. We used to, first Olive, then Felix and Buster. I am wondering if it is the wandering Pepper. This woman say a black cat had been hit by a car and was lying near our mailbox. JB and I went out and brought the little body in, and put it in a plastic garbage bag in a box. Joe took it to the vet Saturday morning. Hopefully he is chipped, but I doubt it, as Pepper was an intact male. 

I had a big cry. 
The vet posted info about the death, but so far no one has come forward. I have looked for months for where he came from, but no one came forward. He wasn't chipped, as I suspected.
Our last sighting in June, 2023.

😼 Cinnamon Walkies

The good news is that while Joe was walking around the house, Cinnamon went with him. (He refused to walk with me a couple of days ago.) Then, Cinn followed his sister back to the woodshed, and one of them got on the roof of the shed. It is good for him to get some exercise. The bad news is he won't walk with me in the forest! 

I'm wondering if our neighbourhood Bobcat is the culprit! We've a Bobcat. These are from postings from local trailcams, Nov. '21, and Jan. '22. It is an elusive beast. I've had a couple of triggers on the trailcams that didn't show up anything. Could be.

Autumn chores continue. All of the lilies, phlox, hibiscus, and other plants are done. I've one more rosebud, but that may be it. The datura is still going strong. My fuschia in the hanging planter, and the tomatoes, and the yellow petunias Caitlin brought me, are still good. 

I've taken down the deer fence.

The danged weeds are thriving, however. I've been pulling twitch grass till I'm blue in the face! I pile it into the metal garbage can, and throw it onto Oliver's Lot.

The other problem I have is that there are many saplings growing in the garden. I've been having to dig out knee-high trees: mountain ash, lilacs, and baby elm trees. 

Good news! I've been trying for years to grow forget-me-nots, and finally the seeds took in the planter. Usually, I put pine branches in this planter over winter. I'll have to rethink this. The lobelia and marigold will die off soon. Maybe I should transplant them to the garden.

We had a visit from the cardinal pair. He landed on the bench and then perched on the railing. This is a photo from my chair, it was a tricky shot.


Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

William Kendall said...

It sounds like the cats need to be indoor cats going forward.

Barbara Rogers said...

All kinds of flower decisions to be made. Poor little black unnamed kitty. Oh a bobcat is certainly a bit scary, but I doubt that he would have had a tussle with Cinnamon. Maybe just scenting the area is deterring her interest, but then there's that little spot you found on her fur.

RedPat said...

You are always so busy.

Elephant's Child said...

I am so sorry about Charlie and the small black cat. And continue to love your garden. Once the forget me nots have taken, you will never be without them.

Christine said...

I Never think
Of spiders and destroying their webs, hmm I should respect them ( outside anyway

Red said...

Sad comment on cats on the loose. They are often killed or injured.

Anvilcloud said...

Yay with the myosotis.

Patio Postcards said...

RIP Pepper. This has made me also very sad.

Hena Tayeb said...

So sorry to hear about the cat.

Divers and Sundry said...

It's a shame about the cat. So many hazards outside for the kitties. It was a kind thing for y'all to make an effort on its behalf.

Jeanie said...

I'm glad Cinnamon is getting out. Hey, if I saw a bobcat, it would freak me out, too. Especially if it was bigger than me with big, powerful legs and could climb. I'd definitely lbe hesitant!

Lowcarb team member said...

Forget-me-knots are such a lovely blue colour.

All the best Jan