Wednesday 20 September 2023

News, near and far

🔥Firstly, there was sad news on Facebook from our blog friend, Gaelyn. She's been boondocking around the US, in Nevada. There was a fire, and she lost her vehicle. It is tragic. Not only that, but she lost her cat, Sierra, in the fire. She is housed with friends. It just hurts my heart. She is waiting to hear from her insurance company, she had her phone. I know we wish her the best.

📰 Lest my American friends think they've cornered the market on conspiracy theorists:  Trial catch up: Day eight of the criminal trial of  'Freedom Convoy' protest organizers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber.

Then, we've the self-appointed Queen of Canada, Romana Didulo (a Filipino immigrant), who is trying to convince people that she can forgive them their taxes. She has been kicked out of a small Saskatchewan town, where she was lobbying followers to stop paying utilities. The town rose up and sent her off
"You can't come into a town and tell the mayor, the community safety officer and the RCMP — and people of town — that you're in charge," Brunt told CBC News.
⛟ Former Ontario MPP Randy Hillier, who is facing charges in connection with last year's "Freedom Convoy," is seeking for a second time to move his jury trial away from Ottawa. He totally pissed off so many Ottawans, but that includes many Ontarians anyway! 

US Air traffic: There was an incident on Sunday, and they were looking for the plane. I thought it rather interesting. The pilot is fine. CAP3935, FOXX849 looking for F35, Sunday, pilot ejectedFlight Radar on Twitter X.

💻 We had catch up time with the Vancouver kids on the weekend! Isn't technology grand? They were at the cottage and Bryony (in Kindergarten) gave me a cell phone tour. We had a good catch up on news and events. The trick is the 3-hour time difference. 

Cluny is in Gr. 3, and she told us about the Axolotl they have at school.  

🎃 More fun, Butch has been playing with my pumpkins. One was in the middle of the driveway, the other across the driveway. Little scamps.


Butch is trouble! from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


eileeninmd said...


I saw Gaelyn's post on facebook, it is sad she lost everything in that fire.
I glad she is safe. Nice photos of your family. Take care, have a happy day!

Barbara Rogers said...

But Mom, isn't that why you put those pretty edibles out for us to play with!

Tom said...

...burning up may be the new normal.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

How did Randy Hillier ever get elected?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
So sad for Geogypsy... YAM xx

Anvilcloud said...

It would be fun to catch Butch in the act.

Elephant's Child said...

A very mixed post with some very sad news. I feel for your friend. The conspiracy lot seem to be thriving across the world.
I am so glad that you got to spend some time connecting with family.

RedPat said...

I'm surprised that Butch hasn't eaten the pumpkins.

Red said...

Really good to be able to talk to kids and grandkids face to face. And to think that not too many years ago this technology was only an idea.

Lowcarb team member said...

It's always lovely to spend technology time with family and catch up on news.

All the best Jan

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

The news about Gaelyn is heartbreaking. I hope her insurance company comes through. I think we all loved Sierra as well.

Losing a F-35 that apparently was still flying is mysterious. Makes me think that somehow the electronics on the plane were hacked. I've read about nuclear missiles. Despite what people think, there is no "abort" button to call off an attack after it is launched out of fear that it would be hacked. Once they are launched, it's all over. (from what I read)

DeniseinVA said...

Oh no, that is so very sad about Gaelyn's fire and her little cat! Heartbreaking! How nice to catch up with your family. We do that with ours in Germany. It is wonderful having this technology for such things. Your raccoon on his journey across your video made me smile. As for the troublemakers of the world, well, I have difficulty knowing what to say when I hear these things, raise my eyes to the ceiling and hope for better days.

William Kendall said...

Unfortunately we have our share of wingnuts.

In answer to your question, it's the Champlain Lookout in Gatineau Park.