Thursday 7 September 2023

It is September...

🍁 Autumn approaches, despite 30+ C. temperatures. Another day of this heat.


🦨 I think I've found the skunk den. It is likely an old Fred groundhog burrow. I don't know where Fred has gone, but he did this last year, as well. This one was built into the soft sand of the built up area around the septic bed. 

You may wonder how I found it, but the nose knows! I was cleaning and filling the fountain, and that whiff told me something was up. Beyond the flower sculpture, down the hill in the gully.

I was suspicious, and cautiously waded through the bracken down in the gully, to find the hole I could see from above. It is really well-hidden.

Here is an aarchive photo

I went down to the trailcam, having put bug spray on my lower legs. It didn't do much good! You can see three mosquitos on my leg. The point of the photo was the white fungus, but as I looked down, I was a bit surprised.

Both cameras are slightly tipped. I had high hopes for critters.

There was a doe and she seemed spooked by coyotes.

DOE AND COYOTES from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I put out the garbage Monday morning, and spotted these two. Cinnamon doesn't like the heat, and has been indoors for a few days.

Another invention I dearly love.  This is a tool meant for particular BBQ cooking, when you want the lid open for slower cooking. I realized it would help me. I have a problem BBQing. I am too short to lift the lid, then let it gently go back. I risk singing armpit hairs. It is a BBQ too big for the two of us, but it was a COVID purchase. Need I say more?! 

I can flip the meat, and close the lid easily, now. JB thinks it look like a Klingon tool. Mebbe so.

🐭 Mice friends
I noticed both Cinnamon and Nutmeg giving much attention to the guest room. Hmmmm. 

It was in a corner in the bathroom, shaking miserably. I scooped it up in the butterfly net, and took it outside. It is a young one. 

🕷️ I found myself a tick, Sept. 3. It was on my foot. We don't have too many this year. One year Daisy brought home 200, this was prior to the invention of the cat goop to prevent them from staying on cats. 

Tick bites get itchy, and itchy painful. It'll soon heal. You can see the bandage on my foot on the right. My tenosynovitis acted up, too. Ain't old age grand?! I stabbed my finger with a needle. I'm working on a felting project for Christmas.

I heard two barred owls hooting to each other Saturday night, Sept. 2nd. "Who-cooks-for-you?" I hope we have a pair next year. I haven't seen one in a dog's age. These are from my archives.

With Autumn comes season-end chores. I spotted Percy goldfish. It is a chore getting him inside for winter. My little, mostly hand-dug pond, isn't deep enough and it will freeze. Not good for a tropical fish.

In the meantime, enjoy the shoulder season. I think it is a great time of year.


Tom said...

...after HOT temps this week a cool down is on its way here.

Olga said...

I have seen some really cute felting projects but I have also seen the needle in action and have decided that is something I don't have to try myself.

Karen said...

My camera action has been pretty quiet. Just the usual cast of characters passing through on the well used trail. Racoons, fox, CoyBoy the coyote with the funny marked tail, the four turkeys that make the rounds. No sign of any bears on the camera.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh yes, I could smell Ms. Skunk from a mile away too! Poor old legs and feet! Just many a thing bothering you! And silly baby mousie...glad you got him out before the dear cats played catch with him. I do like the Klingon tool for barbecue!

DeniseinVA said...

Interesting about your skunks. Ugh on the ticks and mosquitos. Loved the video of the doe and coyotes, and of your kitties, and that sweet little mouse. So much going on in the way of wildlife, and Percy :) Thanks for another super post.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I love September... and we are having a mini heatwave too! Though it just turned all dark and moody, so guess there's some thunder looming... at least I don't have to deal with mozzies and ticks. YAM xx

RedPat said...

Percy is looking really large. I wonder if he is lonely.

Red said...

Lots Going on there even ticks. I thought it would be too late for ticks.

Elephant's Child said...

You have been in the wars. Look after yourself please. I suspect that when you bring Percy in for winter he will have grown a lot.
Thank you for sharing the critters. So very much.

Lowcarb team member said...

Not good news about the ticks and mosquitos.
Take care.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

Bummer about the tick. Is that a mouse? When I came home from the lake, there was a little one sitting in my sink. I rescued him and took him down the road -- and hope he stays down there! Lizzie is no help at all.

I love your new banner. And yes, the nose knows!

Ontario Wanderer said...

Mosquitoes are driving me crazy. I almost do not want to go outside. Looking forward to snow!

Anvilcloud said...

I never picked up on you being short.

Jenn Jilks said...

@AC I'm 5' 4", average, but my daughter is 5'8", and my grandies are both taller than I am!

William Kendall said...

Fred must have headed for winter quarters.