Tuesday 19 September 2023

Garbage Day!

 This household had trash out last Wednesday, Sept. 13th, when garbage day was the Monday prior. Of course, the critters got into it. The top floor of this house is being rented. It is also for sale. You'd think they'd do better than this in rural Ontario. 

It was still there Sunday, Sept. 17th. The trick to putting garbage out in rural life is washing your recycling, and waiting until that day to put it out. Keeping a cover on the green bags is essential. Mostly the crows get into it. It looks like plastic has blown down the highway. 

I put my garbage out at 7:30 a.m. It is lovely looking across at the empty lot, seeing the colours change.

I transplanted the forget-me-nots from the planter to the garden. This is a non-mental note so I can find them in Spring. I've scattered seeds for them for years, but never managed an actual plant. 

The planter looks a bit lonely, but the petunias and lobelia are still OK. I could see my breath when I put out garbage Monday morn. Later on, the bees were out.

We had a surprising 13 mm rain on Monday afternoon. We are affected by the aftermath of Lee, formerly known as a hurricane and then a tropical storm. The storm is turning counter-clockwise, as it moves northeast. There was some thunder and lightning.

I am still tidying up the garden, and thinking about transplanting some stray lilacs to the front yard, when it rolled in. Up above, there was a flock of geese, then two more with 16 and 21 geese in two more formations. I was really glad to get more gardening done first.

Canada Geese Sept. 18 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I made another apple crisp, some hockey puck biscuits, and heated up some chili (frozen, from M & M's) for dinner. If anyone has a good recipe for biscuits... sigh.

BTW – I've come to the conclusion that it was the fisher who terrorized Cinnamon. It popped up on the trailcam


Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Looks like the geese are flocking up and getting ready to head south! What a shame about that garbage. I can understand it happening by accident but then to not clean it up?!?!?

Anvilcloud said...

Even in suburban areas, we don't put it out until morning. Otherwise, nasty things tend to occur. 😞

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow, a fisher. NEver seen one before. And I bet Cinnamon will remember what he looked like! Nice new header, says fall. Sorry to hear you got the last of Lee's rain...but perhaps it is needed there. Love seeing geese go by overhead, and sometimes close enough to hear the creaks of their wings.

Olga said...

:Good advice for taking care of trash pickup even in town! We have been given bins special for the new trucks that grab and dump the contents into the truck. Only one driver required. Apparently it was easier to buy new trucks than to find enough workers. But people still put out trash in plastic bags!

Fisher tend not to lay nicely with cats or other small critters.

RedPat said...

I always love seeing the flocks of geese flying overhead.

Karen said...

My petunia's are hanging right in. There is FROST in our forecast for tonight unfortunately.
Check out Rock Recipies website Jennifer. They have the best tea biscuits, and lots more.
Our garbage gets collected at some ridiculous time in the morning. I think they start their route out here. We have to put it out the night before, but thankfully, nothing bothers it. Not even the bears! Can't say the same for the folks over on the highway though. I notice lots of spread debris if I have to go to the town early.

Cloudia said...

So wonderful to see the geese! Now I want m&M's for dinner, lol. Aloha Jenn

Nancy J said...

Hurricane Lee passed by our friends in Halifax,Amherst, and others also escaped the fury. Rubbish, there will always be some animal who cannot resist a bag that might just have a tasty smell hidden there, colours changing,flowers finishing their summer glory, as you near into the colder days, as we progress past spring, my tulips are up, paddocks are green, and baby lambs frolicking in the paddocks.

Elephant's Child said...

I love that photo of the birds silhouetted against the dark clouds. And how I wish for rain.
Poor Cinnamon.
Crows get into unsecured garbage here too. And it is always the same people's garbage.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see the geese flying.
That sky was quite dark!

All the best Jan

DeniseinVA said...

Pretty flowers! I have never seen a fisher before. A mongoose while on holiday but never a fisher. Poor Cinnamon! The trash sounds like a nuisance. Coincidentally we came back to three crows walking around on the grass out front but it's not trash day. They were feeding on something. Do crows like worms? I don't know, will have to look that up. We are going to be having a lot of rain starting on Saturday for several days. Lovely to see your geese flying. I always enjoy the sound of them as they fly overhead.

Tom said...

...trash is put out in plastic bags? Here we have a toter.

William Kendall said...

We got smacked by a storm in the evening.

Red said...

Tidying up the garden could last all fall. I didn't get as much done in the summer because of the heat.

Christine said...

We put our garbage out in the mornings too

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A pox on people who put out their trash too early - an aggressive assault on their neighbours, effectively.

Jeanie said...

Some interesting bits of news here from your parts but some sad things, too. I'm so sorry about your friend. I cannot even begin to imagine how horrible that would be. I'm glad you have a theory on Cinnamon.