Saturday 16 September 2023

Fungus, cats, Autumn chores

I thought the season might be over, but we've still some fungus about. The colours have lessened. These bright white ones caught my attention.

This looks almost like coral. I'd look up the species, but I'll forget it tomorrow!!!

Red squirrel has been dining on pine cone seeds! 

Lest you think it a monarch caterpillar, it is a sawfly larvae! It fools me every year...

We had another clue about Cinnamon's new fear of the outdoors. Joe found a spot with missing fur. 

Nutmeg knew nothing about it, but was concerned!

On the way home from my client's house the traffic was awful, I knew I had to turn and the guy behind me was tailing me. The propane truck was tailing him. 

pumpkin time from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I picked up some pumpkings. Oooh, typo, but they are the kings of Autumn. Miller's Bay farm is still in full swing. Not only retail therapy, but home decor for the house. 

pumpkins from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Now, I'll have to work on: 🍁Fall chores!


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think that many fungi still have to put in a first appearance. I’ll be keeping my eyes wide open.

Bindu said...

Nice fall decorations! Now, that I own a cat, I am concerned about Cinnamon.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely to see your nature photos and hope Cinnamon’s sore spot heals quickly. Enjoyed my visit to the pumpkin patch and the videos too. Thank you! Happy weekend Jenn!

RedPat said...

You make me think that I should buy a few pumpkins but the squirrels would probably make a mess of them.

Yvonne said...

Poor Cinnamon. Perhaps Nutmeg does know something about it :) Fungus is always so interesting, but doesn't last long in its prime. Pumpkins look lovely this harvest time of year.

Nancy J said...

Those pumpkins are huge, here the price would be exorbitant around decoration time.!!! Try about $10 to $12 and more for large ones .Then at the end of storage time down to $1.99 .

Cloudia said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful autumn with all of us. Jenn, aloha!

Elephant's Child said...

I find fungi fascinating - and often very beautiful.

Barbara Rogers said...

Hope little Cinn is getting more settled and may be her punky self again soon. And we all can be more punky these days. I abhor pumpkin spice stuff. But I just made a half a carrot cake...and have eaten almost half of frosting please. I just really was craving the sugar and spice. Yes, the season is turning a bit here.

Red said...

Thee has to be an education program on tailgating. I hate it when someone is too close behind me.

Anvilcloud said...

Cinnamon had an encounter of some sort.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Jenn Jilks said...

Au contraire, David! Our mushrooms and fungus are done. They were done by August!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My cats are both indoor cats, so I hope Cinnamon is OK.

I LOVE the pumpkin decor. I am sure you will put these to good use.

Divers and Sundry said...

Great fungus photos! I'll pick up a pumpkin my next trip out. They are fun to have for Autumn :)

Poor kitty :(

I slow down when I've got someone tailgating me. I'm so afraid they'll rear-end me if I have to stop suddenly.