Sunday 3 September 2023

Fantasy in the Forest Art Show Preparations!

As mentioned, our Ottawa family came over Friday. The plan was to visit Fantasy in the Forest. We've been talking about it since we attended in July. I made some preparations. First I checked the weather on Thursday, then on Friday. The forecast kept warming up! It was chilly last week.

Next: costumes. I sent texts to the girls, and asked about this: spray on, wash out colour. I ended up with a pink and turquoise. 

The next idea was fairy elf ears! I texted the girls, and they thought that might be interesting. 


Thursday morning I overdid it. I washed floors: kitchen, and two bathrooms. With both girls in their teens, I figured I best get it done. I used to leave it until after they left, little kids being what they are, but now things have changed.

I coloured my hair, as the spray-on stuff wasn't too exciting. It washed out easily with shampoo. Manic Panic Amplified was the brand I picked up for this. There were zero directions on the bottle, and a video that was little help.  Disposable shower cap, disposable gloves, a paintbrush for my hairline, vaseline around my hairline, 30 minutes on, I was good! I practised my make-up, just for fun.


Friday, the kids arrived for dinner. Pork tenderloin (BBQ), and stuff from Millar's Bay farm: beans, strawberries, corn. They have a new species of strawberry that is a late fall one.

Saturday morning, we planned on leaving about 9 a.m., so as to avoid crowds and parking issues. 

👂The ears were tricky. I did some research, and you can affix the ears with spirit gum. We didn't have any, but Caitlin had eyelash glue. We tested it out and it was perfect.

We planned out our ears, and costumes. Although, Josephine and Isabelle were all set. Izzy wouldn't tell me what she was wearing!  JL borrowed JB's cap and suspenders. We got up in good time to prepare, coffee and breakfast, then makeup and hair. 

Grampa had to stay home as our car only holds 5, and their EV would run out of juice on the trip. It was an hour there and 72 km. Then, they would have to do the 80 km, 1-hour drive home. 

The parking woman was blowing bubbles. She peeked in the car, complimented us on our costumes and makeup. I parked, and we lined up for the shuttle bus. 

You can see Caitlin's hair colour in this photo, I sprayed the pink on her. The blue didn't show up with her wonderful hair colour.

We all wore masks on the mini school bus. 

JL shared a shawarma plate with Caitlin at the glass mosaic grand table. It is a beautiful table.

They chatted with this young family, and the kid on the right was named Isabelle, the other one is Gabrielle. We saw them chatting with this dude later. 

I'll leave you with that. More later!


Barbara Rogers said...

Pan would be looking for your family! And what an interesting horned creature in the last photo!

DeniseinVA said...

What a fun day this must have been. I loved everyone’s hair and ears.

eileeninmd said...

Your hair looks cute. I love the mosaic table.
Fun photos! Take care, have a wonderful week!

Anvilcloud said...

You brought your personalized arty selves to the art show.

Nancy J said...

All very suitable for the Forest visit, eyelash glue??? What next!!!

RedPat said...

Love the ears.

Tom said...

...what a snazzy group you are!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you so much for sharing the quirky fun.

Lowcarb team member said...

... and I am also complimenting you all on your costumes :)

All the best Jan

Red said...

That's a hoot. More people should let their ears down and have fun.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I LOVED your hair and your amazing ears. You all got into the spirit of the celebration, that's for sure!

Mae Travels said...

Your special hair color is wonderful! I'm not sure what the costume theme was but you all look ready for a great time.
best, mae at

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what do i love more your hair color or your ears? those are so cool. i guess u would call them "fairy" ears ... like the Lord of the Rings characters. i think that was what they were, right? cute. preferred the before the weekend temps, it is back to humid now. boo hoo. i prefer that fall kind of temps. they are my favorite. ( ;

Divers and Sundry said...

Your hair turned out great! I had Manic Panic green for a while, but my color wasn't nearly so vibrant. I love that black hat :) The event looks like a lot of fun.

William Kendall said...

Sounds like quite an event.