Friday 1 September 2023

Crumbly Acres Critters

 I like the change in seasons. The critters run around filling their faces and empty spaces. Things have hatched, matched and been dispatched, in our ecosystem. The circle of life continues, as well as the cycle of the seasons. Critters will bulk up their coats, birds will migrate, mammals will hibernate, estivate, or, like our faithful raccoons, will sleep in the deep cold, but otherwise attack bird feeders as best they know how.

I went down to trailcams and found a couple of deer and coyotes, more on those later. This red squirrel was quite belligerent. It was really giving me a lecture. I had to laugh at it. 

In May of this year, I caught Fred eating Emily's flowers. That was so funny! I haven't seen Fred since Aug. 21st. In 2022 (I tracked his appearances), Fred disappeared around Sept. 3rd. Maybe he's a tourist? I hope we see Fred again. 

An archived Fred ↓, or great-great-great-grandie Fred. They live 3 - 5 years, on average. I'm glad he doesn't winter under the deck. In spring melt, there is a pond under the deck.

We haven't seen the skunk since Aug. 23.


skunk from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

In the rain, triplets! They are frantically bulking up for winter, when food is scarce.

Triplet racoons in the rain from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Today, I expect our chrysalis to eclose. I am hoping to video it. Friday night, the kids are coming over and we are off to 2023 Fantasy in the Forest Saturday morning. JB and I visited in July. It was epic.


Barbara Rogers said...

You have most enjoyable prose going on here! Critters galore for sure! Enjoy the Fri-Sat. adventures planned!

RedPat said...

Your country raccoons look a lot slimmer than the chubby ones in the city. I guess they have to work harder for their food there.

Jeanie said...

The lighting on that first photo of the raccoon is exquisite. Wonderful capture. And boy, Fred is cute!

Anvilcloud said...

A pleasant post about current times.

Cloudia said...

We enjoy being with you in your beautiful part of the world. Jenn. Aloha!

Nancy J said...

I wonder if you will come home with some goodies after the visit to " The Forest" . Love the wildlife pics.

Elephant's Child said...

Love the critters. Enjoy your family time.

DrumMajor said...

Sorry the squirrel chewed you out. 3 raccoons means more to come in the future! Linda in Kansas

DeniseinVA said...

Seeing all your critters is always fun. Have a great time on Saturday.

eileeninmd said...

Lots of critters there, love the shot of Fred. The squirrel is a pretty color.
Great photos and videos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Divers and Sundry said...

We're in an urban townhouse and do not encourage racoon visitors, though we've had a few in the past. I enjoy seeing your critter photos!

William Kendall said...

The raccoons are a delight.