Sunday 13 August 2023

Welcome home to our travelers!

 I usually finish off with our Fearsome Foursome Flyers, but they arrived home safely Friday night. Today I can welcome them home. They'd like to do laundry, but the stairs to their basement were being done on Saturday. Groceries are done, and they can sleep in their own beds. 

airplane wheels from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They toured around Boston, after arriving from London, and Singapore before that. Quite the journey. You can get there from here, but it was epic. 

Boston Harbour

Things are growing nicely here, in the rain and sunshine. Except for the one hosta! I'm glad I kept my fence up... The one in front, outside the fence, was trimmed. The one inside – protected.

The first is out front, the second nipped hosta out back! Such is life, living in a wetland.

They didn't get my lilies! 

The roma tomatoes are doing well, but slowing down. 

The nights are getting cooler, and we are heading to the other end of summer. I have been behaving, and staying off my sore ankle. I did wander down to the trailcams Saturday. I wore my foot brace, shoes and socks. The only thing that hurts is going down a set of stairs. 
I'll leave you with a beautiful caterpillar.

caterpillar from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Tom said...

...home is a wonderful place to return to.

eileeninmd said...

That was quite the trip, it is always nice to come home.
The last caterpillar is new to me, cool photo.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

DUTA said...

I suppose you're very glad to have Caitlin and her family back home.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great to hear of safe return of the world travelers! So glad to hear you saved the beautiful (delicious) lilies from the wild beasties!

RedPat said...

I have found that the hostas have been eaten a lot by slugs this summer.

Cloudia said...

This is very beautiful Pat! And I appreciate it. The reminder that
You can get there from here, said...

Beautiful lilies and prickly looking caterpillar.

Elephant's Child said...

Welcome home to the travellers. Love your garden and you are so right about the beauty of the caterpillar.

Anvilcloud said...

Going downstairs is harder than going up.

William Kendall said...

A very long trip indeed.

Olga said...

I'll just bet they are weary but have so many memories to cherish. Ability to travel the world is a very special privilege.

Hena Tayeb said...

What an adventure! Good to hear your ankle is getting better.

Red said...

this is great time of year for caterpillars. This one is very colorful.

River said...

I love the sight of home from an airplane window.

Divers and Sundry said...

I've never seen a caterpillar like that. Striking!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hope your ankle recovers soon!

That's an amazing caterpillar, do you know what type of moth or butterfly it will become?