Sunday 27 August 2023

Trip to Chesterville: Part 2

 I suppose I should just get this over with: the leaves are turning...  The low temperature overnight was 11 C.!

Blue sky, again! We drove out of the clouds. This is ironic, as you will see later. We decided to go on Wednesday, because rain was forecast for the next few days. 
This is typical farm country. The corn is nearly done. 
Summer line painting!
They are taking trees down for either housing or more farmland.

This was a surprise. Highway #43 is a busy transportation route! It is closed until October.

The gardens and the homes are diverse.

People are fundraising for a care home. 

We visited the gravestones.

There is JB visiting his grandfather's family.

This is from the archive (2018), the cedars were gone. I knew when we were there, but I wasn't sure where they used to be.

Off we went. We headed back to town to look for a picnic spot. JB picked this spot out, but it looked like a bunker. I pulled this off Facebook. They have a market here, but there were quite a few people sitting as we drove by. This was my mistake, as you will read later.

We kept on going. Carefully! 

The season unfolds...


Barbara Rogers said...

Oh you! Another sitting on the edge of my chair waiting to find out what happened next!

Tom said...

...your corn is as high as an elephant's eye, the same here.

Anvilcloud said...

I looked it up on GMaps. It is roughly where I thought it might be,

DUTA said...

I always get sentimental seeing people visit the graves of their beloved. I usually visit at the cemetery before the High Holidays(this year - middle September) - to pray, ask forgiveness, wash the tomb. It's a tough day both physically and spiritually, but a very meaningful one.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A reminder that fall is creeping up on us. I am looking forward to it.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

The leaves changing and cooler weather are my favorite time of the year. Bring on fall!

RedPat said...

This feels like a real road trip.

Karen said...

Clifford Racine was so young. :(

Elephant's Child said...

The cemetery looks very well maintained.
Thanks for sharing more of your drive.

eileeninmd said...

Nice outing and photos. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Patio Postcards said...

Your Hibiscus & Angel's Trumpet are both beautiful. I wish I had room in my garden for either (or both).

Cloudia said...

Blessings friend!

Jeanie said...

I think it is so meaningful to visit the graves of those who came before us. I'm glad you had a lovely day for the trip.

William Kendall said...

Yes, the leaves have started.