Tuesday 1 August 2023

Soccer, Hobbiton, Home Sweet Home

We've had fun watching sports as armchair warriors. It's been so hot. This morning it was 9 C., a cold front. There was swimming and diving in Japan. Women's soccer has been on in Australia and New Zealand. Canada is out of the tournament, which is stunning. The inequities between men's and women's sports are not resolved. We need a professional women's soccer league, with funding they can depend upon. 

  The kids went to a game between Costa Rica and Zambia. We've both attended our fair share of amateur soccer games as parents. It is interesting to see the professional stands from this point of view. 

Our kids are visiting New Zealand and went to a World Women's Soccer game: Costa Rica vs. Zambia. July 2023:

soccer game from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

From Hahei, they drove to Hobbiton. They are fans!

"Hobbiton is a movie set location for the fictional Hobbiton Village created in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies. Located on a farm near Matamata, the Hobbiton movie sets and Hobbit holes have been left set up and are a popular tourist attraction with regular tours available." You can view a 360' tour!

 🏡 After sharing the recent news about the family travelers, back to our little world! Things are quiet here. I built a cabbage salad, weeded, filled the fountain, did the kitty litter, did laundry, watered my hanging baskets, trimmed around Fred's burrow. (I am hoping for little Fred videos as much as my faithful readers!) I spotted Fred standing up yesterday, and I am not convinced they are lactating. 

Fred July 27 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Hubby brought us breakfast from the Saturday market, as well as our regular Saturday's dinner: Korean kimchi from Jiny. I reheated it and threw in some diced roma tomatoes from our planter out front.

I cooked 6 shish kabob skewers of chicken, as well as preparing a spinach salad. I burned my arm on the BBQ, just a small one, but heck it hurts, especially after I scratched it absentmindedly. How silly. We ate two skewers worth, and the rest I out into a casserole with veggies and noodles. Three meals out of that! Susie Homemaker or what?!

💉 With the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases, I'm still following some of the experts.  [Professor Raywat Deonandan. Epidemiologist, Health Sciences, uOttawa. ] You'll recall we visited the Stewart Park Music Festival July 14 - 16th this month. It was sad to read that there have been reports of a couple dozen COVID-19 breakouts amongst musicians, volunteers and attendees. The far right has been saying that symptoms are worse if you've had a vaccine, but that is such nonsense. 

The key these days is to watch the wastewater reports. Healthcare is a provincial responsibility. Many of us are fed up with the provincial leadership. 


Elephant's Child said...

A big sigh at those warning signs about Covid. I hope you and yours can stay safe. Many, many of us are fed up with our leaders. Too many are misleaders.

Tom said...

...the Hobbiton Village looks mighty cool.

RedPat said...

It is getting more rare than ever to see someone wearing a mask these days.

Anvilcloud said...

It would be fun to visit Hobbiton.

eileeninmd said...

Great photos of your family, the soccer game sounds fun.
I like the Hobbiton. I wish Covid would go away.
Take care, have a great day!

Barbara Rogers said...

That's great that the girls got to go to a World Cup game...too bad there wasn't a bigger crowd. But they got amazing seats! Love the Hobbitown. Oh Fred, perhaps they aren't actually of the female persuasion? Your many meals from one barbecue is a great thing to do! I celebrate your cooking! I'm enjoying this coolness though here it's full of humidity.

Red said...

I'm still waiting for little ground hogs. Are you sure Fred's she?

William Kendall said...

Preserving Hobbiton was a good idea.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Jenn, your family certainly looks like they are having a wonderful time in NZ. Thank you for sharing their travels. What a wonderful experience for them. Adorable video of Fred and I look forward to seeing the kiddos 😊. Ouch! So sorry about your poor arm and wish it speedy healing. All your meals sound very yummy and you gave me some good ideas on our own fix-ins. We have been following the news on Covid also, also paying attention to the new variation overseas. No reports on the severity of symptoms on this one yet and keeping fingers crossed. Can never let our guard down on this thing can we? Take good care of yourselves and thank you for another super post.

Patio Postcards said...

Oh I'd like to visit Hobbinton. Lucky them. Fred is providing lots of entertainment. :)

I'm also worried about the increasing cases of Covid & we haven't even moved to indoors with closed windows & such, hence why we still mask up for enclosed spaces where lots of people will be. :(
Fed Up with provincial leadership is an understatement (col).

Divers and Sundry said...

I've been watching some of the World Cup and thinking how much fun a trip to Australia and/or New Zealand would be. Thanks for the photos!