Wednesday, 2 August 2023

From here to New Zealand!

 I spotted this on Twitter X and I thought it a hoot. I looked up the Nova Scotia map. Maritimers have such a fabulous sense of humour.

Henri (below left) brought us a parcel. What a nice man! He was happy and cheerful, and we wished each other well. All of them are really positive and outgoing. I like that! We always make a point of thanking them for this service. They wave back.

Ta da! Angel's Trumpet in bloom.

A chilly few days, I sought the sunshine. Sitting on the back deck a bee bounced off the window and into my water glass! It was doing the breaststroke. I threw it over the railing and I'm sure it was fine!

bumble bee from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

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"Iโ€™m at a stage where I know Iโ€™ve got more behind me than ahead of me. I have no time for worrying. Youโ€™ve got to get up and do things." โ€“ @MrChuckD

The Fearsome Foursome Flyers are traveling by car. They are doing a fabulous New Zealand tour. Some scenery reminds them of their 2005 honeymoon on Cook Islands! They were at the Otorohanga Kiwi House.

๐Ÿฅ From there, the kids went glow worm cave tubing. They wore wetsuits, because the air and the water was about 12 C.! They weren't the only ones. What a hoot! 

From there, they stayed in a cute cottage, and visited Whitiora Stadium.


Tom said...

...bee careful drinking.

RedPat said...

They are having lots of fun experiences.

eileeninmd said...

Great photos of your family. Hubby and I have been cave tubing Belize, it is a weird experience. Take care, have a great day!

Barbara Rogers said...

Good to save every bee we can! I got a kick out of tourists tubing in wet suits. Here tubing is popular, especially with somehow bringing along a cooler of something fun to drink! Wearing as little as possible with lots of sunscreen! Oh my to see another one of those cow statues down under!

Cloudia said...

Bee careful ๐Ÿ˜‰

Such an enjoyable visit with you Jenn

Elephant's Child said...

I am glad that 'no bee was harmed in the making of this post'. And very glad that your family is having such a wonderful time.

Red said...

You're just watching the world go by and you ell me about it.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

BEEutiful post. Looks like the family is having a great vacation. LOVED seeing them with the cow.