Friday 11 August 2023

Caterpillars, hail, hops vine, Fearsome

  The hops vine provides lots of entertainment. Froggies still inhabit it, plus, caterpillars. And eggs! I don't know what they are. We'll have to be patient. 

The ivy is growing up and making a nice arbour. It is a host for many, many critters!

Yesterday's storm was epic in Ottawa, with flooding downtown and hail. They had 75 - 100 mm of rain in 6 hours. We had only 20 cm rain. 

Our Fearsome Foursome Flyers went from Singapore to London, then London to Boston, on Thursday, Aug. 10 over 35 hours. They arrived in Boston last night. This afternoon they return 🏡 home.  

From being 14,000 km away they are now only 500km away! 

I watched them as the plane flew over the Black Sea, south of Ukraine. 

There was lots of action by the RCAF and their CHAOS aircraft, as well as USAF's FORTE11.

Also, FORTE11, a USAF military 
Northrop Grumman RQ-4B Global Hawk 

This is JL's summary of the penultimate leg of the trip on the family blog. He is a foodie and provides interesting commentary!

Here is their landing in Boston! 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ah, S'pore to Boston in 35 hrs makes more sense! Golly though, it only seems like yesterday they were heading south... YAM xx

Barbara Rogers said...

Globe travelers should wear a badge or something...they have really been around it!

Anvilcloud said...

We got enough rain, but we didn't suffer like other places. It has been a bit wild lately.

RedPat said...

They will have lots of stories to tell you.

eileeninmd said...

I never see the caterpillars. Those eggs are cool looking.
Safe travels to your family.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Elephant's Child said...

That is a LOT of rain in a very short period.
How long before you see the travellers?

Cloudia said...

We really benefit by your fascination with everything from aircraft to the critters in your own yard. Thank you, Jenn for sharing your world with us. Aloha!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wow your 'kids" are practically next door neighbors now (ha ha)... they sure had an amazing trip! Good grief, that rain -- I had no idea. Gosh.

Ontario Wanderer said...

I am amazed at how you can follow planes in the sky.

NatureFootstep said...

loved to see caterpillars. :) I did see one bib fat one, the other day. But it was raining so no camera.

Divers and Sundry said...

I hadn't realized hops provided such a critter haven. Cool!

DeniseinVA said...

Always lovely to be able to follow our loved ones while traveling. Thanks for the link. I will check that out next. That storm was really something. Enjoyed your nature photos also. Thanks Jenn!

Jeanie said...

The lighting on these photos is especially beautiful.

William Kendall said...

That was quite a storm we had.