Tuesday 25 July 2023

The hops vine, nature, our flyers

 Summer is full on now. Tree frog has been sleeping on the deck railing, under the hops vine. 

The leaves are habitat for many critters. It is a massive display this year. 

The catbird is a frequent flyer. She likes the lilac tree. They hide in there, and swoop down to eat the bugs.

The cats are often helpful to warn of danger. Cinnamon had his morning run, then sat on the deck. I looked, but didn't see anything!

I was out at 5:30 yesterday morning. The moths have been visiting the flowers.

Xylophanes tersa Tersa Sphinx

We've a bee nest in the roof atop the garage.

bee nest from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We've an eastern kingbird:

eastern kingbird from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I went out back and spotted a buck. He did not appear on the video, even though he was right in front of the camera. We haven't seen any deer in weeks. The deerflies are too bad.    

fred has a new exit from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The cats thought they'd inspect it.

cats from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Nearby, the gun demonstration pissed off a whole bunch of neighbours. BBQ, free t-shirts, guns, little kids crying covering their ears. Maybe 25 people, we heard. They let people shoot. I taped it. No licence to have a gun range. The Chief Firearms Officer claims she has no control over it, as it is unlicenced. Complaints have been filed with the OPP. 

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The Fiercesome Foursome Flyers are in Australia now. Their B & B had a pool!

They visited the Taronga Zoo. 

Josephine adores reptiles! She was in heaven. 

This was really fun! Watch until the end! 


Anvilcloud said...

Sorry about the guns.

eileeninmd said...


Great variety of photos and wildlife.
I enjoyed the Pelican video. Cute!
Take care, enjoy your day!

DUTA said...

Good picture of Caitlin and the girls!

Tom said...

...I'm sorry that all this gun nonsense has drifted north.

RedPat said...

I can't believe it about the guns. Surely you aren't allowed to just go out and fire off guns.

Barbara Rogers said...

Yikes, so sorry about the guns again. So awful for everybody (except those pulling triggers). Loved the pelican!

Olga said...

Why would anyone bother to get a license for anything if not having one means you get to do exactly what you want? That makes little to no sense.

Elephant's Child said...

Sigh at the guns.
Love your wildlife and smiles at the pelican.

Divers and Sundry said...

You'd think someone could do something about the gun event, _especially_ if it's unlicensed. I always love your nature photos. I'd forgotten how delightful they are :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your "kids" are on quite a trip -- I've been away for a while, traveling ourselves and then trying like crazy to catch up before I forget where I've been. (At my age that's almost not a joke.)......anyway here I am and I loved reading about your yard visitors. Do you ever mistake the catbirds for one of your (real) cats? We don't have those birds here in the Pacific Northwest and the first catbird I ever heard when we traveled out of our home territory had me looking for a kitty stuck high up in a tree!.... off to scroll and catch up now.,

The Furry Gnome said...

That is QUITE the trip!

Christine said...

Awful about the gun range! Wow the grandies are down under!

William Kendall said...

That pelican sound is quite something.