Monday 17 July 2023

Stewart Park Music Festival July 14 - 16th

We are not music festival goers. The standing, or the sitting, doesn't do us any good. What we like about our local festival is that it is free, and we can wander in this beautiful setting. 

This would have been packed with concert goers by later in the day. We popped through Friday afternoon at 2, and the music began at 3. 

My regular blog readers will recognize Stewart Park. During COVID and summer Gramma camps, Grampa would take them for afternoon walks here.

It's been quite hot, and later in the day lots of kids were swimming in The Tay!

Check out the tree trunk!

Our Ottawa kids are off on an adventure. They are part way to Newark where they have a 23-hour layover prior to hopping on a plane to Singapore on the 18th. Stay tuned for more. The adventure begins!


Tom said...

...I hope that they will have a safe and fun trip.

Anvilcloud said...

never attended that festival. The logistics overpower me.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely park! I'm sure you enjoyed the concert. We have summertime outdoor live music by groups (not at concert level) which are well attended.They changed the setting a few years back, and it's closer to home, but the parking is not I haven't gone yet. Looking forward to hearing about the big trip.

Hena Tayeb said...

What fun!

RedPat said...

Those kids are well travelled.
I still feel a bit uncomfortable in crowds so concerts are not my thing for a bit yet.

Nancy J said...

Wait till the Ottawa family get to " You know where" . The festival area looks wonderful, lots of stalls and shady trees too.

Christine said...

Wow Singapore! And love this summer festival time of year

Elephant's Child said...

That looks like a lovely place to wander. I hope the trip goes really, really well.

Red said...

We should all go to summer outdoor festivals. They're great with some very talented acts.

River said...

It's nice thta you can just wander through, did you try the European Crepes?

William Kendall said...

I haven't been to a festival in some years.

Ager Oliva AgrIcolture Company LTD said...

Grazie per il tuo articolo. Sicuramente mi aiuterà molto...

Ager Oliva AgrIcolture Company LTD