Sunday 30 July 2023


 The garden thrives in the rain, heat, and humidity. People are wilting, however. People in and near Ottawa had a brief tornado warning on Friday. There was a lot of thunder and lightning. There was hail and strong winds in Ottawa. It toppled trees and knocked out power. Saturday was chillier, with rain and a cooler front moving in.

We used to live in Pineglen!

It did not cross our path, fortunately. We've moved from that horrid heat with overnight temperatures of 20 C., into a cold front. This morning it was 11 C. and the nocturnal tree frogs have moved down into the ivy. 

Emily enjoys the garden. Down in front of her is a petunia that seeded itself from last year! I love the pinks and purples!

This is a plant I got from a plant sale. (We drove to Playfairville!) It has spread and is a native plant. A double bonus.

The frog pond has benefitted from the rains. It was fairly dry.

frogpond from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The frogpond had been drying up. July has been wetter than June. The pond has served its purpose. Tadpoles have morphed to frogs. Mosquitoes have relaunched their attacks.

I've no idea where this plant came from! iPhotos has a feature to identify it. This is what it came up with.

The angel's trumpet is setting blossoms, having dropped seeds from my planter last year.

July, 2022

The balloon flowers are thriving.

The forest is damp and humid. We've lots of mushrooms. I believe that Butch raccoon has been murdering mushrooms in the forest! There are a whole bunch of them knocked over. Maybe they want some butter and sauteing?

This is such a pretty rose. It begins more orangey-yellow, then changes to bright pink.


Tom said...

...this year I've seen a bunch of mushrooms too.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty images of your garden and flowers.
It is supposed to be cooler here today, less humid.
Take care, have a great week!

DUTA said...

It seems Ottawa has undergone a bit of a disaster: tornado, hail, winds..
I'm glad you were not on its path. Hopefully it's over.
Love your plants.

Anvilcloud said...

We got the tornado watch notification, but it was north of us. Love the lower temperatures for a few days.

Olga said...

Lovely blooms in your garden -- thanks for sharing them.

Barbara Rogers said...

Love that you've got all these volunteers coming up from last year's seeds! And it is good that you all didn't get the worst of the storms, and are a bit cooler for now. I somehow thing because you're north of us, you should always be cooler! Silly me.

RedPat said...

The temps felt good this morning.

Elephant's Child said...

I love your garden and would welcome that cool change.

Red said...

Weather is scary this summer.

Divers and Sundry said...

Your plants are thriving! Mine need watering most days. It's more the heat than a lack of rain here. We're getting plenty of rain, though no tornadoes.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

beautiful blooms. i will tell you …that this time of the year we have these, i am not sure what type or species??! but they are tiny little frogs (toads) that if you don't watch you will step on them or crunch them. i often hope they will get out of the way, 'cause when i a drive i can't see them, they are just precious. what a great sighting. ( ;

Nas said...

Interesting post, thanks for sharing!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos of your garden, glad the storm didn't hit your area. We had a very hot, dry June and July is very wet and cool for the time of year

William Kendall said...

We got the tornado warning, and a downpour shortly after.