Sunday 16 July 2023

After the storm!

Tornado specialists have been looking at the Barrhaven tornado situation. I posted about it Friday: Tornado in Ottawa! It turns out they had two tornadoes that crossed paths (CBC). 

On Wednesday, the kids went to a concert that evening at Bluesfest. The joke is that it's not all Blues Music these days. They went to see Foo Fighters. It was a great show by all accounts.

White Reaper’s lead guitar Hunter Thompson opened for them!

Our elder two grandies are teenagers. I don't know where the time went. Above Josephine embraces her Wolf Haircut. 
They are nearly ready for their trip on Monday. Isabelle had a haircut. Caitlin had a pedicure. You can see their kitchen in the background.

Oh, yes. The kitchen renovations are coming along. The other Gramma is going to do Reno-sitting for them while they are away. The contractors are in close contact electronically, the kids share their progress photos with the wider family. It should be interesting.

After the storm Thursday, I did a walkabout. That was all the excitement I needed!

The goldfish pond is fed water from the eavestrough, which drains into the water barrel, and then into the pond. It looks lush and green. 

I watered all my hanging plants and the ones on the back deck. The summer shuffles along. 

I watched a goldfinch land on the horse chestnut tree. Along came the catbird and chased him off. They must be nesting in the front. 


catbird from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We have had about 47 mm rain so far today. A bit more to come. It is sad, since the Perth Music Festival is on this weekend. Bluesfest is continuing in Ottawa. We did attend a wonderful art show Saturday. More on those adventure later! It was epic.


eileeninmd said...

Your granddaughters are lovely. Beautiful variety of flowers and I enjoyed the Catbird. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Barbara Rogers said...

Glad you have photos from grands. Their upcoming trip will be momentous in their lives. Love seeing peaceful colorful flowers. Does your pond not have mosquitoes thanks to Percy?

Jeanie said...

Some beautiful photos here, Jenn. Rick has been following the heat and rain in Canada -- he is cycling there from Michigan beginning in mid-August and needs to be aware of what to wear/bring!

RedPat said...

The girls look all grown up.

Elephant's Child said...

That is a LOT of rain.
Your grandies are beautiful, but you know that. Looking forward to hearing about the art exhibition.

Red said...

Those grand daughters will soon be independent. Then they are mostly off on their own.

Patio Postcards said...

Probably good that the daughter/granddaughters are heading off on an adventure while the kitchen reno is ongoing. I like both their new hair styles. Your garden does look very lush & full.

Wildfires, tornados so many unpredictable types natural disasters brought on by our ignoring earlier warnings & signs of climate change ... I'll say no more.

Anvilcloud said...

Danica also went to see Foo.

River said...

I like the look of that wolf haircut, I wonder I'll leave mine the way it is.

William Kendall said...

Bluesfest wasn't that far from my place, so periodically I heard some of the music.