Monday 12 June 2023

What a weekend!

It was a great weekend for working outdoors. I fixed up the goldfish pond pump. It sucks in debris, and I have to clean it out. I had a helper, a large leopard frog.

We have had rain for a couple of days, not much (6 mm) but it has been cloudy, which lets the plants recover. More is on the way...

My bulbs are growing in the metal planter. The grass is still looking as if it is August. 

I put up our PEACE flag, with the rainbow. Lee Valley had a really good flag pole, and I ordered a LGBTQ+flag. For now, this is my peace flag. 

There is lots of road traffic on Sundays! 

Then, there is Fred! I understand how some of us are trying to master pronouns, but we must be respectful. It is not about us old farts, it is about the young people who are struggling for respect, and their rights. We must seek to understand them. We aren't too old to learn that. Here: gender neutral pronouns, I read that Jane Austin used they/their in 1813 in Pride and Prejudice. Prior to that, A Quick History says it was in a book in 1375.

Anyway, back to Fred. They have dug out a burrow behind and to the right of the right tank. I don't think they can hurt anything there, as they veered right.

I made a mistake on Saturday. There were virtually zero mosquitos. Sunday morning I realized my mistake. The blackflies got my right arm. 
I was able to sit out on the back deck, and noticed some Fred action. Now they are 'they!' Imagine my surprise, when I spotted two of them!

Fred June 10 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I fetched trailcam cards, and took some iPhone photos. Clover, and froggies!

This is the mouse hole that is inactive in winter! Near it, a wee wood frog who has morphed from egg to  tadpole to froggy.

Goat's Beard!


Silverback coyote visited. He was there at 12:30 and 2:30 a.m. and peed on the spot as he left.

coyote from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

In the wetland, June 6th, 5 a.m.

Another time, the skunk went through.

Skunk from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM know, a couple of weeks back, I was tempted to suggest that Fred might be Freds and are actually a he and she! I suspect two might multiply, ere lang...

A slightly fuller grammatical article on they as the singular pronoun. YAM xx

Tom said...

...things look great at Crumbly Acres. We would look a bit better here with some rain, it's been 20 days without a drop.

Patio Postcards said...

Glad to see that Fred is about. I wonder if the coyote knows about Fred? Skunks are so cute ... in the wild :)

Anvilcloud said...

We missed the earlier rain that you got, but we’re having a good rain this morning.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh goodie! Now you'll have little baby Freds soon! I have no idea what baby ground hogs are called. But it will be fun to see them, when they're grown enough to come out and play!

eileeninmd said...

Great critters, love the frog. I've been watching a fat groundhog in our yard, they have a nest nearby. Maybe under our shed. we are still having some bad air from the Canada wildfires, they say it is clearing soon. Glad you had a great weekend. Enjoy your new week!

Olga said...

I do enjoy those animal vimeos!

DrumMajor said...

Your froggies seem appreciative of the pump cleaning. Didn't know there were silver-backed coyotes, thought that was just for gorillas. Yep, no matter the pronouns, Fred somehow has a boy and girl involved in his life's existence! Thanks for the wilderness tour. Linda in Kansas

RedPat said...

We are getting lots of rain here so I assume that you are too.

Nancy J said...

Fred and Frederika??? One looks very plump. The coyote, what lovely markings and that tail, and such a pretty face.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

the coyotes we usually see are kind of weak looking. this one looks very healthy. not an expert but i wonder?? not seen a skunk in years ...usually smell them. lol!! been dealing with a sinus headache today. no fun. had some rain ...but glad i did water my garden ... because the shower lasted only a bit. take care this week. ( ;

Elephant's Child said...

I am glad you had a great weekend - and rain.
I struggle with gender neutral pronouns but am happy to keep trying.
Some Fredettes in the future? That would be nice.

Jenn Jilks said...

Silverback is just a name for Chad COyote!

Cloudia said...

It is it's about supporting the young folk with our good sense and experience. Too many people are doing the opposite stupidly. What a shame. I love visiting your little bit of sanity every day

Haddock said...

That leopard frog looks all ready to help.

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased you had a good weekend, hope the new week has started well.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

The groundhogs are gathering to plot revenge on the unpleasant people who wake them up on February 2nd.