Wednesday 14 June 2023


We did. What a relief. 

Poor Fred on the deck. They were wet!

wet Fred from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

It was a glorious rain. 

rain June 12 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Percy was quite happy.

Percy from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We'd planned sausages. The rain stopped. The sun peeked out. I fired up the BBQ. Of course it rained again! My late father barbequed in rain, snow, sleet or hail, so I felt right at home. We used to say he'd BBQ lashed to the deck in a blizzard!

I love this Hops Vine. It is up to the roof. 

Out the back 40, things are growing. The aspen grove is growing nicely. The previous owners cut the law here, but I love the trees and our aspen grove is expanding. I was headed to pick up a trailcam card.

Out the back 40, the bear had popped by again at this trailcam. They are curious things. 


Bear sniffing June 9 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I think he is moving along the edge of the wetland. He was at the frogpond trailcam, 200m away. They have a large habitat area. Again, I've not seen him near the house, and the mother bear with cubs seem to have gone off into the wetland somewhere.


Tom said...

...we had a wonderful rain Monday, sun yesterday and more rain this morning. The robins and my garden are happy.

Anvilcloud said...

I think you've had more than us, but we had a pretty good rain yesterday.

Barbara Rogers said...

I can barely (sorry bears) imagine seeing the world mainly with my nose. I rely upon eyesight for knowing what's around me. Mr. Bear relies upon his nose. He must think your scent on the camera is interesting...but at least not anything to eat!

Karen said...

My trail cameras have been devoid of action for days now.

Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for rain. Always welcome, and never more than in fire season.

RedPat said...

I just caught again in the rain today. We have enough for a week or two.

Cloudia said...

A rain is so healing! It feels so good to see this. Thank you for sharing Jenn. And look a bear!

Jeanie said...

Lucky you withthe rain. We need a good soak (but now I hope not till after my yard sale!)

William Kendall said...

Fred looks drenched.

Red said...

It's rained most of the day here. Did we ever need it. It's raining in the north so I hope the fire season dies down.

eileeninmd said...

YAY for the rain! We had some here too.
I love the bear video. The rain sounds very loud.
Take care, enjoy your day!