Thursday 15 June 2023

June is Pride Month

Conspirituality = conspiracy theories

When we know better –we do better. Some of us. Some use click bait, and use confirmation bias to mine conspiracy theories. This is why we need diverse sources and a means to identify unreliable sources. This is a new book on the market:
    Conspirituality takes a deep dive into the troubling phenomenon of influencers who have curdled New Age spirituality and wellness with the politics of paranoia—peddling vaccine misinformation, tales of child trafficking, and wild conspiracy theories. ... Google Books

🌈 I watched an interview with someone who is part of Stand In Pride. These are people who will stand in during Gay marriages, for *nearlyweds who are alienated from their parents who do not accept their choices. There is a Canadian Facebook group for them, as well. 

Stand In Pride Canada 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

:  I think it is brilliant! 

         *Gender neutral terms for non-binary or LGBTQ weddings include marriers, celebrants, nearlyweds. Bachlorx, best person, person of honour, attendants, are some other handy terms.

There was an incident, in Kelowna, B.C., east of Vancouver. Thankfully, we can learn from it. This grandfather, Tesar, accused a pair of girls (gr. 4, age 9) for being boys or trans kids. Such ignorance. Prior to puberty, kids are pretty equal. They said the man's wife then started calling her (the parent) "a genital mutilator, a groomer, and a pedophile." 

We of the older generation must do our best to learn about young people and society today. We cannot 'judge a book by its cover.' Those accusing people of being groomers, are hurting innocent children. The poor 9-year-old was distraught. You cannot convince someone to be gay. Let's worry more about actual predators. 

Alright, back to nature. Tuesday afternoon I visited my client. We watched the Trump indictment. It was entertaining for both of us! 

Breeding season unfolds

The geese are raising their goslings, who are growing!

House Wrens!

House Wren June 10 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Canada Geese June 12 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Tom said...

...When we know better, we do better, you would hope.

Olga said...

Some people choose to live in a very small world and yet can't seem to leave everyone else alone.

Anvilcloud said...

That incident was atrocious and inexcusable.

Jeanie said...

I'd like to believe that someday we will have a world that both tolerates and accepts things that may be different from what we might do, judge people by who they are and not "what" they are. I think it's a long way off, at least here. And that makes me sad.

Barbara Rogers said...

I used to think ignorance fed bias. Now I think bias is pumped up by political parties who spout hate and fear. So anyone ignorant today is fair game for those preacherly politicians. Usually about the time ads start appearing on TV for candidates, I stop watching TV pretty much completely. I'm enjoying a Terry Pratchett series "Good Omens" on Prime which is a spoof on all the religious prophecies. Never knew most of them.

Barbara Rogers said...

I used to think ignorance fed bias. Now I think bias is pumped up by political parties who spout hate and fear. So anyone ignorant today is fair game for those preacherly politicians. Usually about the time ads start appearing on TV for candidates, I stop watching TV pretty much completely. I'm enjoying a Terry Pratchett series "Good Omens" on Prime which is a spoof on all the religious prophecies. Never knew most of them.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Because of tRump and DeSatan in Florida, the LGBTQ+ community has really suffered this year. Thanks for bringing attention to this and for supporting the Gay community.

William Kendall said...

This Tesar is, I imagine, too old to change his ways now. He's lucky he didn't get punched in the face.

Phil Slade said...

Jenn Jilks said...

What is your point, Phil? Do you agree or disagree with equal rights and freedoms? Or are you making a point? I'm sorry, but I really do not understand.

Elephant's Child said...

We can do better. We need to do better. Quite a lot better.
And thank you for the shots from nature.

Christine said...

Enjoy summer!

Ontario Wanderer said...

I am afraid that our strange world is going to get worse with AI in text and photos making it harder to pick out fact from fiction. On the other hand, maybe we never could sort them out.

Red said...

In some ways we've gone a long way to deal positively with LGBTQ issues and in other ways more negative issues have turned up. People are all to willing to accept information from a very poor source.