Sunday 25 June 2023

Up in the air, on the ground, and in the oven

We sat out back, me with a cover over my sunburned shins, having a chat and bird watching. After JB's fall in town, he was taking it easy. He skinned his knees, thankfully he was wearing his jeans. 
Back in the old days I'd put Noxema on sunburns. All I had was another cream, Nivea, which helped.

An Ornge emergency helicopter, went from Ottawa to Pembroke Hospital, and back to Ottawa. I guess we have to appreciate our minor issues!

This pilot was having a blast!

All of the critters are working their way through their cycle of life. Even the ticks have reproduced. I was bitten by another tick nymph. It is reacting like a blackfly bite, itchy and oozing. 

After Fred trimmed Emily, the pansies are doing well in her elevated position. I will have to watch, though (non-mental note), the planter doesn't have a drain hole, and the pansies were drenched and not liking it. 

I experimented with the camera and the phone camera! You can see the firefly on the one flower.

The ivy looks as if it wants to fly!  The buttercup, not so much.

I just had to capture it bubbling just before I took it out! These are the joys of spring in Ontario: rhubarb and strawberries.

strawberry-rhubarb crisp from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I really have to do something about this garden. The daffodils bloomed nicely. It gets so dry in summer, and we haven't had much rain. I'd love to put in some plants, but the soil needs amending.

Fred was trimming it. 
We have to be pretty quiet, as Fred spooks easily. June 22

Fred from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Babies are blind, pink and hairless, and are called pups, kits or cubs. They have 3 - 6 pups, but can have up to 10. That'll be fun. They are weaned after 44 days, however, and are solitary critters. They won't hang around. 


eileeninmd said...

I love all your pretty flowers! I had what I think was a deer tick on me, luckily I was able to get it out quickly. Take care, have a great new week!

Tom said...

...for me, the strawberry-rhubarb crisp is the highlight of your post.

William Kendall said...

I have often noticed that about groundhogs- they're skittish.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wonderful spring/early summer plants. Glad knees weren't damaged more...I hate to have scraped knees. Fred is just precious, and I'm glad she's eating for those little ones, and leetting you see her too, since you've provided a safe place for her to den, after all. Is the dad in the picture or just off and away?

RedPat said...

I've never been a fan of rhubarb unless it has a lot of sugar added.
Little Freds will be fun.

Nancy J said...

Fred, voracious eating, and will you get to see the babies? JB, those knees look very sore, thank goodness our jeans saved more damage. Sunshine and rest might help the healing.

Jeanie said...

I've never seen a firefly that wasn't sparkling! Who knew?

So sorry about JB's scabby knees. That's never fun.

Mae Travels said...

Sorry about all the sore knees and shins! Your rhubarb crisp looks great. We had rhubarb pie and it was great too.
best, mae at

Elephant's Child said...

Your poor legs. Both of your poor legs.
Loving the rest of the photos. Glad that our area is (for the moment) tick free.

Christine said...

Poor JB!

Anvilcloud said...

I think fred is living well at the moment.

Red said...

I seen only one groundhog here in 54 years.

Cloudia said...

Thanks for taking us to your magical place

Elizabeth Edwards said...

you would be amazed by the critter count we saw in our recent trip to New Hampshire: 1 mama bear, baby bear (not very young but younger than an older teen), 2 alive female moose, one female moose that sadly had been hit on the side of the road and had been killed, so heartbreaking for us. 2 road runners seen in separate times, 2 foxes with gorgeous tails, hit on the road coyote, lots of birds, frog, loons, chipmunks, squirrels ...we were thinking of the all the childhood cartoons. have a nice week. take care. ( :