Monday 26 June 2023

Buggy, smoky days!

 Sunday did not bode well. I stuck my nose out, and checked the smoke forecast. First for 8 a.m., and then 1 p.m. The fires are a couple hundred km away, but the smoke and fine particulate matter drift. 

smokey haze from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I did some indoor chores, as did JB. It was the best idea. I did have to go out, though. 

The catalpa tree is in full bloom!

Standing underneath it is a treat!

Common mullein and the clematis.

I ventured down to fetch trailcam cards. I was fine as long as I kept moving. Unfortunately, I had to stop to exchange the cards! 

You can see the deerflies buzzing. The joys of summer!

veery from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Or so my BIRDnet app tells me! I never did see it. I moved quick and sprightly back to the house. I removed TWO ticks yesterday. Little teeny nymphs. I know there is a circle of life, but... 


Tom said...

...I've often wondered what the purpose of mosquitoes is. To sell Off?

Anvilcloud said...

Insects and air quality problems. Good times.

Olga said...

Bugs out in force here as well and just enough rain to interfere with my outdoor painting projects.

Barbara Rogers said...

I hate deerflies. They would always have a season when I went to the beach in FL...north FL that is. Sorry your ticks are also active...not enough freezing weather is what people say here. Pretty catalpa flowers, remind me of an orchid!

RedPat said...

I have often wondered about the need for many of the insects. said...

Not heard of a catalpa tree, looks beautiful

Elephant's Child said...

Sigh at the bugs and the smoke.
How I love that tree.

William Kendall said...

Yesterday was really bad. At present, thunderstorms and a tornado watch.

Ontario Wanderer said...

The more mosquitoes and ticks I see, the more I appreciate winter snows!

Angie said...

Jenn - I was out in the woods today, spraying weeds, and the mosquitoes wanted me for lunch! I could swat them most of the time, but a few got me on my back where I could not reach. And when I got back to the house, I found a tick. They are usually gone by now! Hope there aren't any that I missed! And I hope you get relief from the smoke soon!