Sunday 18 June 2023

Kiwi Gardens and the grandies

 The girls came by for a visit Friday night. JL had some family stuff to do in Ottawa.

Grampa was getting rid of some hats, and all were carefully examined. Two found a good home! They left after school Friday (Jos only has 2 days left), and by the time they arrived it was time to begin dinner.

Caitlin had made a cabbage slaw. She fried up some asparagus we'd bought from down the road, while I BBQ'd the steak and chicken Caitlin brought. There was wine involved, as well! 

We eased into Saturday and decided on an adventure: The Kiwi Garden art show. Things have changed up at the art show. You have to preorder tickets and book a time: the Tickets Please fee was $5.83, in addition to the $5 parking fee and $5 per person fees. Grampa stayed home so that we could have a girls-only day! 

We'd last been, as a group, in 2017.  I'd texted them all the blog post URL to remind them of last time, and see if they were interested, and Caitlin reprised a photo. 

If you compare photos, you'll find that Isabelle have grown some! 

Then there were these mushrooms. Look at Josephine in 2017! They'd recognized this pieces, and had a wee play!

girl play from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Paeonia 'Bartzella' (Itoh Peony): I do love them. This is the kind I have!

Here is the entrance. It is such a lovely location! Lots of parking on their fields in the trees.

Caitlin drove, I rode shotgun! 

Lovely objet d'art!

This man's art is amazing. Here is a hippo! By: CHAKA CHIKODZI.

Three eggs in a barbed wire basket, and a sheep radiator!

Bird houses, and clever art by Logan's Stone Forge and ironworks.

Then there is Scott Dobson, our fence man! He did our fence here many years ago, and a new gate from old cedar! Also, we bought an  arbour which he created! 

Scott spent some time explaining his collection to the girls. They were quite intrigued!

After a visit with Scott, we kept on moving!

Every time you moved to a new spot on the 10 acres, there is another piece of art for sale! Or another flower or plant. Below, right, I recognized a tulip tree! 

Josephine decided to buy herself a wee sketchbook from this woman. (Grampa gave each girl $20 to spend.)

Isabell bought herself a cactus. It was a carefully thought out decision. There are hundreds of choices. I never did get a photo of her final choice. It sort of looked like a wee purple aloe vera! 

Love the licence plate!


Tom said...

...I love the garden art!

Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely gardens, full of art to not only enjoy but purchase. I want a Hat too! But I guess granddaughters get preference!! Just kidding. I am thinking seriously of a new straw hat for walks.

Christine said...

What a lovely family outing! Enjoy strawberry picking!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Love the hats! What a difference a few years back, they sure grow up fast!

Anvilcloud said...

I’ve heard of that place, but I’ve never visited. I hadn’t heard about the event.

Karen said...

What an interesting event! Have you ever been to Rideau Woodland Ramble Nursery? It's near Burritts Rapids near Merrickville. You photos reminded me of that place.

Cloudia said...

! Like the lamb radiator. Ha! What a nice day! Thank you for bringing us along!

RedPat said...

Nice family time.

William Kendall said...

Fascinating art.

DUTA said...

A girls' outing - how exciting! and to a great place - Kiwi Garden and Art Show!
The picture with the three hats - grampa in the middle with the two grandies - is heart warming!

Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful outing.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely post.
I do like that licence plate!

Happy Fathers Day to all who celebrate.

All the best Jan

Red said...

This would be a very good show to go to. I would stay for a long time.

Olga said...

looks like a fun time!