Friday 28 April 2023

Crumbly Acres has its issues!

🙈 I am fried. Stomach issues what with the stress of it all, but I had a great haircut Tuesday, prior to the big Anti-gun range meeting. Yes, we prevented the rezoning from rural to a rural exemption, which would have permitted the gun range from being created! 🎉 The gun range applicant went to CBC Radio Ottawa to rant about his lossIt was full of lies, claiming we are uneducated about guns, and if people only came to him to ask questions he could explain it to us. Our group working to prevent this new use of the gun range has worked so hard on this. 

🐡 The Goldfish Pond

This was a previous year in the height of the season. The pump has stopped working.

I was thinking I should take the pond pump indoors, maybe in the bathtub to try work on it? The old one began working, then stopped while in the pond. I was getting mucky.  Having worked on that for an hour, I had the brilliant idea to work on it in the bird bath. It began working, then pooched out on me. 

I needed a new pond pump. Percy is cooling his jets out there. Although, I did not see him yesterday. It's been cold. JB went shopping for me, and I will install the new one when it warms up. You can see from the photo↑ that the spray, when it is working, does protect the fish from being seen by the Ospreys who live nearby. This is one who visited our front yard one day. They only eat fish and snakes, I've read.

🚰 Plumbing Problem

There is a plumbing problem. It reminds me of opening the cottage plumbing every spring. Something always goes wrong. This tap hasn't been used all winter, obviously. It's been dripping for days. 

The hose spigot was leaking. I noticed this while I was trying to get the pond pump going. I have failed in that, as well. I watched a YouTube video, and took out the spigot. I couldn't get it back in. We're going to need a plumber. I've played phone tag with them for 5 days. The phone battery was out. It helps if you plug it in the right way. 😜

Yes, I watched a YouTube video on how to repair it, but whomever installed it had issues. He kinda glued it to the wall. 

As I recall he bought the wrong piece, too short or too long, and had to go back to the store. I couldn't put it back in. I use electrical tape to put a piece of hose on the open part. It drips, and runs the well pump from time-to-time. We need a plumber, and I've played phone tag for 5 days with a company that we used for the well pump. We were happy with them.

🌲The arborists are coming Saturday, I hope. The branches still litter the ground. They are swamped with work. Cross your fingers. There is still much debris about. The daffodils are happy, though.

5:00 a.m. on Thursday!

💻 My poor computer. I am missing a couple of screws, one was stripped (?) and I cannot close the laptop lid. I've ordered a new one. It was time.

🐦 On a good note, we've both a Robin's nest, and a second Phoebe's nest.

👀 Then there is crumbly Grampa, with his new glasses. He went to the dentist yesterday, his arm was hurting and he had to stop. He has to go back today. Long story, but somebody had the time wrong. 

dangerous driving from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

He passed JB, as well as the car behind him, then dodged in and out of traffic further up the road.

Prescription sunglasses, too! 

Here we are at Friday. Let's see what trouble we can get into today!!!


Tom said...

...some of these problem are 1st world problems!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Love those glasses on you, JB! As for that bloke in the other vehicle. Clearly, he thought HE was late for an appointment. Silly man. (Am assuming gender there, but, you know...) YAM xx

RedPat said...

It sounds like Murphy's law is in action at your place. We had a day like that on Wednesday.

DUTA said...

Hopefully, JB is happy with his new glasses. If the prescription was given by the eye doctor, then chances are it was correct. Opticians make gross mistakes.

Nancy J said...

Cool glasses, and what a crazy driver !!!

Elephant's Child said...

I hope your issues get fixed - quickly and inexpensively.
The developer sounds like a very sore loser.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh dear, as a friend of mine says, Mercury is retrograde. Poor little planet gets blamed for everything. So sorry about the plumbing woes. They sure add up don't they? The new glasses are great. I don't know if I want new frames for mine, but some prescription sunglasses is a great idea, to be considered.

William Kendall said...

Still good that the gun range was stopped.

Red said...

Narrow roads seem to make the idiots in just a bigger hurry.

Anvilcloud said...

Oddly enough, I got new glasses this week.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Just had a great read of your latest posts, Jenn. Good getaway to Kingston though a bit of a hike. Always good to go to the hairdressers and also to find out who is the fish eater in your family, LOL. Spring is grand, isn't it. Thanks for sharing your videos; I love comparing to our progress here. Turning green for sure and lots of birds around. Daughter has a fox and 5 young in her backyard. They are delighted but so worried for their safety. Always something to surprise us in nature. I too am happy about the outcome with the gun range issue. Downpours of rain all today...

Cloudia said...

Please be good to yourself. Stress is a killer. You are worth caring for. I can still relate to what you're saying. Even had my eyes examined recently. I hope you have a beautiful healing spring

Jeanie said...

Crumbly here, too, Jenn, so you're not alone. But it still sometimes seems a bit daunting, doesn't it? I hope by now you are feeling much better!

Divers and Sundry said...

The patronizing attitude of people who love their guns above all else is disappointing. That anybody who doesn't agree with and support them must be ignorant is a frustrating position for them to take.

I hate that you're having plumbing issues. I hope your plumber can get it all fixed up with little fuss and bother.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

The bathtub or even you kitchen sink might work to test the pump. Luckily they are not too expensive should you need to replace it. The faucet looks like another story. Hope you can get that fixed without too much trouble.