Tuesday, 28 February 2023

My newest drawing, goldfish update, and Cinnamon

This was an Amazon video screensaver. It inspired me, so I saved it.

 ðŸŽ¨ The tree looks a little tipsy, but there you go! I used my coloured pencils, as well as the charcoal pencil for the house. It colours over the coloured pencil, which pleased me! 

🎥 While someone was watching 🥌 curling (beside a fire I built for him, as well as two cats), I was watching Shotgun Wedding upstairs. The movie was cute. 

I accomplished a lot Sunday. I roused myself to do some vacuuming, Cinnamon didn't budge from his perch. Nutmeg tore out of the room, though. My other big chore was my end-of-month fish tank cleaning. I really have to get a couple more goldfish this summer. This one (below), along with another small one, have disappeared. The styrofoam protection wedge has been duct-taped on. Cinnamon is so curious about the fish, I think he is to blame.


I removed the plants, and the little clay pot with the gravel and fake foliage (first photo, below, back left). Percy empties it everytime, looking for food. He is a bottom grazer. It will give him more room! The water takes time to settle after a cleaning. 

Percy is a large boy! The remaining five look as if they will last until I can throw them in the goldfish pond in the spring.

It is tricky work and takes me over an hour. I have to remove ~10% of the water, clean the filter system, replace the floss filter, water the plants with the rich fish water, and refill the tank with fresh water. This is the time Cinnamon likes to hop up top and stick his face into the tank. We have to be vigilant. 

Monday morning I put the garbage out in -13 degrees C. Afterwards, I snuggled down with my laptop, cat, and coffee. I had trouble getting going later, though! You can see why. JB left to go walking at the arena. Cinnamon heard the door close, but decided it wasn't anything to investigate.

I've set the older trailcam on the front deck. It means I don't have to trudge through snow to get the videos! Two black squirrels, 8 red squirrels.

squirrels crazies from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Tuesday, I have a hospice client at 8:45. It's going to be tough that early for me! I'm not usually fit for company at that hour. I may have to shovel out, as well. A big storm. At least there isn't any rain. Today it is only -6˚ !  They changed up the radar from yesterday to this morning. I might just wait until after my gig, and the snow all falls. Never do today...

Busses are cancelled, except in Ottawa. Our girls usually walk to school, as they've a lot of school work to do, better done there than in the comfort and distractions of home. They are great students.


Tom said...

...I enjoy watching fish!

Anvilcloud said...

Another snow day. I should ask the kids what number this is.

Nancy J said...

That's early to be out on the road, hope it isn't too icy. One of our top TV presenters, when he was in London for 3 years, as our NZ correspondent, called anything too early " Stupid O'Clock !!!".As long as you can get out of your own driveway, it will be fine.XXX

https://linsartyblobs.blogspot.com said...

It's great to see that an image inspired you to draw, well done.

RedPat said...

You have so many creatures to take care of.

Gill - That British Woman said...

I hope the weather wasn't too bad for you. I love fish tanks, but hate cleaning them!!!!

Divers and Sundry said...

I used to enjoy keeping an aquarium, but they take more time than most people realize. Yours is a pretty set-up.

Jeanie said...

What a productive day. I love your drawing and it sure does sound like you got a lot done! Don't you just love a day like that?